Chapter 63: Breaking Up

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Vanessa's POV:
After I fly back to Tampa, I see Dean at the airport with a glum look on his face. We hug and leave. We sit in silence that was worrying me. It was scary. I group text the Hardy Brothers.
Group Text:
Matt Jeff Dean is freaking me out.
Did he find out something?
I think Dean did but he's not telling me.
I'll tell you. The Shield is breaking up.
Yup that was the symbolic knife going through my heart and stabbing it. I leave Dean's car crying. I log onto Twitter and I see a tweet from CM Punk. @CMPunk A lot of shake ups are happening at the WWE I hope @thevixenviper is okay with one of them. @TheBellaTwins Hope @thevixenviper is okay after getting some crazy news. #Staystrong I close my laptop and head to my bus. I tell Hall to start it. I'm crying so hard I hear a song and I sing it.
You and me
We used to be together
Everyday together always
I really feel
That I'm losing my best friend
I can't believe
This could be the end
It looks as though you're letting go
And if it's real
Well I don't want to know
Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts
Our memories
Well, they can be inviting
But some are altogether
Mighty frightening
As we die, both you and I
With my head in my hands
I sit and cry
Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts no, no, no
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts
It's all ending
I gotta stop pretending who we are...
You and me I can see us dying...are we?
Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts no, no, no
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts
Don't tell me cause it hurts!
I know what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't speak,
don't speak,
don't speak,
oh I know what you're thinking
And I don't need your reasons
I know you're good,
I know you're good,
I know you're real good
Oh, la la la la la la La la la la la la
Don't, Don't, uh-huh Hush, hush darlin'
Hush, hush darlin' Hush, hush
don't tell me tell me cause it hurts
Hush, hush darlin' Hush, hush darlin'
Hush, hush don't tell me tell me cause it hurts
The bus stops in California. I'm mobbed by fans and flash bulbs going off. I find my home away from home and I ring the doorbell. As I wait, I get pulled inside. Barbie and I sit and talk. After we talk, I leave and go to Staples Center. I sit in the penalty box and a song comes in my head. I sing it.
A million thoughts in my head
Should I let my heart keep listening
'Cause up 'til now I've walked the line
Nothing lost but something missing
I can't decide
What's wrong, what's right
Which way should I go?
If only I knew what my heart was telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream?
Ah oh, yeah
If only I could read the signs in front of me
I could find the way to who I'm meant to be
Ah oh, if only
If only if only
Every step, every word,
With every hour I am falling in
To something new, something brave
To someone I, I have never been
I can't decide
What's wrong, what's right
Which way should I go?
If only I knew what my heart was telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream?
Ah oh, yeah
If only I could read the signs in front of me
I could find the way to who I'm meant to be
Ah oh, if only
Am I crazy? Maybe we could happen
Will you still be with me when the magic's all run out?
If only I knew what my heart was telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream?
Ah oh...
If only I could read the signs in front of me
I could find the way to who I'm meant to be
Ah oh...
If only
If only
If only
I leave Staples Center and head back to the house. Barbie has Ashley over. I feel so out of place. I leave the house again to clear my head. I'm at the Grove and I see couples around me. I walk to the Gucci store and a purse is on hold for me with a note attached to it.
Hey beautiful,
I know you wanted this purse so I had a guy hold it for you. I hope you like it.
Love ya,
I'm so shocked at gesture. Dean is all the way in Vegas why did he have a purse on hold for me? I ask the guy what the occasion was and he told me to turn around and Dean was in the doorway to the store with a smile on his face. We embrace and I pay for the purse. After we leave the Grove, we're back at Staples Center.

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