Chapter 11: The Slammy Awards

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Zack's POV:
Woo woo woo it's time to get awarded for all of our hard work! The Slammy Awards are here and i'm super pumped up the show is in Long Island. It feels great to see the Zack Pack in my hometown. The Slammy pre show is on and Vanessa and I won for couple of the year. As we give our acceptance speech we thank the Ryder Revolution. As the show starts, I noticed Eve walking by looking sad.
Vanessa's POV:
I see Zack race over to Eve and they talk. An hour later, I hit the ring to present the Slammy for Pipe Bomb of the Year that went to CM Punk. I also had the Kiss of the Year Slammy to present. I opened the envelope to say the names of John Cena and Nikki Bella! I race backstage and the sight I see shocks me Zack and Eve kissing. How could that hoski steel my broski I think to myself as i'm crying this time strong arms snake around me I look up to see the Miz and Alex Riley hugging me. I tell them Zack cheated on me with Eve and they're supportive. Alex and I come up with a mixed tag team match but Miz feels left out. Maybe he could do commentary I think to myself. AJ and Punk just finished a mixed tag team match vs Tyson and Nattie. As the night rolls on I go into the ring and drop a huge pipe bomb on Zack and Eve! The WWE Universe is shocked. I have so much anger tears stream down my face. After I leave the ring, I see Punk smiling at me but I fall into his chest crying so hard. Punk lifts me up bridal style and sets me down on the couch in his locker room. I'm a mess. After the show ends, I pack my bags and leave Zack's house for the hotel we're staying at. As Don't Speak plays I cry harder as i'm walking I see the hotel and I enter it. It's huge! I see Punk and walk up to him I sigh and we go up to the seventh floor. We make it to room 630 and I set my stuff down as the song ends. I sit on the queen bed starring off into space. Clarity plays and my mind drifts off more. I snap out of it when I see AJ skipping into the room. Good thing Punk requested a room with three beds! AJ looks at me and leaves. I sit silent and then it hits me Zack just used me! A new set of tears start streaming down my face. AJ and Punk hug me. The song ends and AJ tells me the best cure for a broken heart is a double date with two guys named Ben and Jerry. As AJ gets the ice cream Punk suggests a funny movie and AJ suggests an action movie. I pick The Scorpion King. AJ and Punk look at me shocked. I tell them how much movies make me feel better after a crappy situation as the movie starts I think about Zack and I get a lump in my throat and I race to the bathroom. AJ knocks on the door and I open it. Later that night, Punk and I wake up. I look at the clock and it says 4:22 AM We leave a sleeping AJ and we go to a cafe inside the hotel. We find a booth far away from any fans that might be at the hotel. I tell the story to Punk about Zack cheating on me. Punk and I embrace as we leave the cafe and head back to the room. I received text messages all from Zack saying how sorry he is and he's going to make it up to me. But I text him back saying that we're done!

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