Chapter 14

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Dan's POV + Iris - Sleeping With Sirens

"I really am." I smile brightly at my family. I'm not sure if they saw my video but by the look that Adrian is giving me, I'm almost positive that he watched it. Phil and I chat with them for a little while longer before Dad has to go to work. We wave goodbye and end the call.

"That went well!" Phil hugs me, "See! No one hates you!" I smile at him and laugh.

"I guess you were right! Should we tell your parents now?" I ask, wanting to just get this over with.

"Sure, I'll text them now." Phil pulls out his phone and sends a text to his mom.

Hey mom! When you have a minute do you want to skype? Get the whole family to come!

His mom replies, saying that she is busy right now and that we should call her later. Phil just sends back an ok, and then we bring up what to do while we wait. I suggest making out, but Phil says no. Darn.

"How about you make a video?" I offer and he nods.

"Sure. Do you want to be in it?" He asks cautiously, not sure if I'm ready to get back on the internet.

"Yeah, I'd love that. What should we do?" I climb into his lap like a child. I don't like being away from him. Plus, he is a literal furnace. It's nice. With my legs on either side of his hips, he places his hands on my hips and squeezes gently. Sitting in that position, we brainstorm ideas for a while before we settle on one. A tumblr tag video. This will probably be hard for me, seeing as I'm guaranteed to appear at least a couple times in the AmazingPhil tag. I'm willing to do it for him. He seemed so excited about it, so how was I supposed to say no.

We set up at his computer and he starts the video. I don't have to act like I'm happy in this video, because I am happy. We film for about an hour. I feel bad for Phil because he is going to have to edit out a bunch of parts where I randomly kiss him. I'm sorry! He's just so goddamn cute.

His mom texts back and we set up on the couch with his laptop waiting for the call from his mother. When it connects, we both wave hello, as do his family.

"Hello Phil!" His mom smiles genuinely, before his dad recognizes me.

"And Daniel! How are you boys?" His father laughs loudly and await our answer. Phil steps up and starts to talk.

"We're doing alright, my channel is going very well! Dan recently decided to take a break from YouTube due to...personal problems but-" His mom cuts him off.

"Oh yes I watched the video! I'm terribly sorry, dear." She directs her statement at me, but I just nod at her and direct my gaze to the floor.

"Well, that wasn't what we called to talk about. I have some news I need to tell you guys, and I'm not sure how you are going to take it. So recently," Phil pauses to take a deep breath, "Dan and I have started dating." No sound is made, but when I look at the computer screen, all of their mouths hang open. My worst nightmare comes to life as Phil's mom shakes her head rapidly.

"No, I'm sure you aren't gay! I know I raised you right! Philip please, it's probably just a phase! You'll grow out of it!" She is screaming at him by the end of her rant. Tears fill my eyes. She hates me. She hates him now. This is my fault, it's all my fault. I can see Phil start to cry, as well.

"But, but mom he makes me happy! When I'm with him-" Phil doesn't get a chance to finish his thought as he is interrupted by his father now.

"No, Phil! No son of mine is a fucking faggot!" Water pours out of my eyes and I'm not surprised to see Phil drenched in his own tears as well.

"Guys! Why are you being like this? I thought you wanted me to be happy?" Phil chokes out. He scoots closer to me, interlacing our hands. I make sure our loving gesture is concealed from the camera.

"We love you so much, Philip. I do want you to be happy, but this isn't right. This boy has done this to you! It's your fault!" Phil's mother angrily screams and point a finger at me. More tears fall, but Phil responds before I can.

"Don't you fucking dare talk to him like that! This is not his fault!" Phil keeps shouting, but I block him out. I don't want to hear him worsening his relationship with his parents just to defend me. This is my fault. She's right and I can't bear to hear anymore. I zone back in to see Phil slam the laptop's lid shut. He looks at me apologetically.

"Dan, don't listen to them." He tries to convince me otherwise, but he knows that I agree with his mom. I don't say anything as I get up to go to my room. The short walk is agonizing. When I step inside my room, the door won't shut all the way. I turn around to see Phil's foot shoved between the door and the wall.

"No." Phil says and slides the door open, stepping into my room.

"No? What do you mean 'no'?" My voice comes out strangled due to my lack of speaking and massive amounts of crying.

"You're not going to shut me out. I won't let you deal with this on your own." His affectionate words bring a smile to my face. I walk over to him and push my lips onto his. My hands travel down his back and rest in the back pockets of his jeans. His hands go up to my neck and tangle themselves in my hair. I pull away and smile brightly at Phil.

"I love you, angel." I pull my hands out of his pockets and wrap my arms around his skinny torso. He leans forward and rests his head on my chest.

"I love you more." He tilts his head so his chin is on my chest and he is looking into my eyes. I pull away from him and laugh.

"We are not having a cheesy moment." His smile grows wider as he begins to laugh. I lead him over to lay on my bed. Phil cuddles into my side, taking my hand in his. We stay there for the rest of the night, talking about anything and everything. In between conversations I sneak glances at his wrists. There has been a lot going on lately, so I have to make sure he is staying strong. I think that they're clean so I move my hands under his shirt feeling all around his stomach.

"Um, Dan? What're you doing?" He asks while laughing softly. I bring my eyes up to meet his before removing my hands from his shirt.

"Well I know that there has been a lot going on lately so I just wanted to make sure that you are okay." I say softly and look down, embarrassed. He puts his hand under my chin and lifts my head back up. His delicate lips meet my forehead in a sweet gesture.

"I will never do that, babe. You don't have to worry about me." I close my eyes in pure bliss and smile. This moment is peaceful, comfortable, amazing. I want to stay in this moment forever and always. With Phil here, everything is complete. It's like the planets have aligned. I lace our hands together and watch as they fit together perfectly, like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

"How could I not worry about you, angel? You are my sky, my stars, my moon. My everything."

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