Chapter 15

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Phil's POV + Time Has Come - Bayside

"My everything." These words end his short, yet beautiful, poem of thoughts that makes my heart flutter with happiness. I can feel it push through my veins, and my body shudders slightly as I exhale. My teeth shine through my smile, radiating my glee.

A week passes, filled with fights between my parents and I. These are always followed by short periods of anger and sadness from Dan and I. He has been helping my handle it all, and I have helping him. That's what a healthy relationship is, right? Helping each other deal with what hand they've been dealt?

I end my morning thoughts early because of Dan moving around in the spot next to me. His one arm rests under my head, the other wrapped around my waist. He retracts this arm and throws it over his face, narrowly missing my head. I lean forward slightly to kiss him on the cheek.

"Goodmorning, love" My voice sounds tired even though I have been awake for at least 30 minutes, just laying in Dan's arms. He smiles keeping his eyes closed and not moving much.

I gently turn myself away from him to grab my phone. Opening it, I find I don't have any messages from my family. This whole week they had been sending me nasty messages, including "You can come home when you admit it's a phase" and "Don't call yourself our son anymore". Dan looks at my phone to see what I'm doing and notices the same.

"Nothing today?" Dan questions, in a sleepy voice similar to mine. I give him a small nod and turn back to face him again. I bring my hands up to my face to rub at my still sleep filled eyes.

"All of this is exhausting me." I pause and cuddle closer to Dan. "Now I get why you wouldn't want to tell anyone."

"Yeah, but at least we've gotten the hardest part done." I nod yet again in response while closing my eyes. My breaths become longer and more rhythmic the farther into calmness I sink. My brain begs to return to sleep, but I shake myself back into reality.

"Should we tell everyone else?" I am unsure of what Dan will say, but these words feel right coming out of my mouth.

He shoots me a confused look before a single word escapes his mouth, "Why?"

"So I can show the world how much I love you." I plant a second small kiss on his lips. To my surprise, he agrees without much argument.

"One small detail, how're we going to do it?" Dan speaks after a few moments of shared silence. This sends me into a new world of thought, and I ponder the possibilities of coming out.

Make a video? Tweet something? Mass text, and then video? What would be the best way?

My thoughts scatter and fizzle out when Dan speaks again.

"Well," He begins softly, "you know how, in the videos you've been making, we edit out a lot?" I tilt my head up at him, partly in confusion and partly in curiousity. "Especially parts when we kiss or do coupley stuff?"

I take in a deep breath as I suddenly understand where he's going with this.

"Should we post them?" I speak even though I know that's what he meant. I realize that what I had just said was a very general statement and add more onto it. "Like, start with actual bloopers then the last one will be a kissy one?"

I smile at my, now more specific, statement and remember back to some of them. At the time I recall being a little mad Dan interrupted my video, but then I was filled with happiness when he would plant his soft lips on mine, murmuring why he came in between them. Or when he would sneak into frame and wrap his fragile arms around me, leaving small butterfly kisses from my neck onto my face.

Dan's face shines and gives a quick excited nod. He leans back up and lifts himself off of the bed. His arms reach up with him stretching. It triggers in my mind that it is fairly early in the morning. Now holding his laptop, he sits back down next to me. We both sit up against the headboard, staring at the screen.

"Want to use PINOF bloopers first, and we could use some from your newer videos?" Even though Dan is speaking to me, his eyes don't move from the computer.

"Sounds good, Dan." I offer my help shortly after, but Dan quickly, yet politely, declines. He's never been one to admit he needs to, or wants to accept, help from anyone.

Dan tells me go grab my camera so he can take parts from my videos. I remove myself from under the warmth of Dan's blankets and enter the cold hall separating out rooms. I don't really sleep in my room anymore, lately I've been in Dan's room with him. The sudden change in temperature sends a chill down my body. I wrap myself in my own arms in an attempt to not freeze.

My own room feels unfamiliar as I step into it. I stand still, and my eyes search around the room.

Where did I leave it? I should really clean up in here.

While scanning the room, my eyes catch a glimpse of my "memory box". A sad smile appears on my face.

In addition to cleaning, I should update that box. I have a lot of new things I really want to remember.

Quickly shaking my head, I get back on track. Camera. Camera. Camera. Once I am focused again, I find it laying on the floor near my bed. I lean down and pick it up, carrying it back into Dan's room. He is smiling wide, occasionally clicking something on the screen. I set the camera down on his nightstand and cuddle back up to him.

"I think I'm almost done with these ones." After Dan speaks I look at how much he has. So far, the video is about four minutes long. I hand my camera to Dan and he plugs it into his laptop. It's doesn't take very long before my videos are downloaded to his computer. He's teeth shine through as he clicks on the file and adds it to the video.

We begin the video from the start to make sure it all edited together okay. Throughout the whole thing, my mouth expresses my feelings. I feel intoxicated off of my joy. I remember everything from these, and I loved all of the moments. If I could relive them, I would in a heartbeat. Dan pauses it at a few moments to make the transitions a little smoother. We finally hit our last part of this video. My heartbeat speeds up slightly and I close my eyes, breathe in deeply, then open them again. This steadys it out, preventing me from distracting myself from the screen.

Time seems to pass too quickly and, soon enough, the video is over. Dan let's out a small sigh, filled with fear of reactions. I kiss where his dimple would be if he smiled, and he did smile after the gesture was over.

I take in a secondary deep breath and begin to speak. "Are you ready, Dan?"

"I think so." He nods and hovers over the save button for a moment before he clicks it. A few clicks after, the video begins to upload.

Soon, the comments begin to flood in.

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