Chapter 19

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Phil's POV + 40 Days - Blessthefall

The comment section is filled with fangirling over Dan and I as well as our new puppy. Dan scrolls through them quickly before we see our small dog wander in the room. Greta hops into Dan's room on tiny paws and attempts to jump on the bed. After a few short moments, she is up on my lap, her wet nose beginning to nuzzle under the computer. It almost falls off the bed, when Dan's quick reflexes catches it.

¨Stop it, my small doge." Dan giggles lightly while lifting the laptop up so Greta can't push it back onto the floor. I show a vaguely upset face for a few moments before Dan plants a soft kiss on my forehead. I let out a light chuckle and smile with pride for this boy I can officially call mine.

I'm dating a literal meme.

Dan gets up and commences to play with Greta. She begins pawing at his legs while he's standing up. Dan flinches slightly at the small pain of her newly trimmed claws. Both of us kneel down to get on Greta's level. I begin petting her to grab her attention. She stops pawing up on Daniel and stands in front of me with excitement. My hands pet her sides somewhat roughly, but I make sure to not hurt her.

"Rude." Not much time is spared before Dan and I burst into a small fit of giggles. I sit down further on the ground, my legs crossing over one another. Dan leans backwards, his landing with a soft thud in my lap. Subconsciously my hands find their way into Dan's medium dark brown hair.

Dan's shoulders scrunch up at the small prick of pain caused by Greta, yet again, pawing at Dan's sides. He lets out a quiet, high pitched, screech, but doesn't move his body from my lap. He covers up the pain with hushed laughter.

You've got to keep up that "Bad boy, I feel nothing. I'm super tough." act all the time, don't you, Dan?

I laugh partially at my own thoughts and partially at Dan's actions. Greta soon lies down on Dan's chest. My hand runs down our dog's soft fur, as does Dan's. He smiles gently before trying to move Greta so he can get up. Using the power of teamwork, we gently lift Greta on top of the bed and slide out from under her. She falls asleep quickly afterwards with her breaths becoming more steady with every inhale. Most likely tired from the day of playing around she had today.

As we begin to go to my room, Dan pauses in the door frame to stare at the small dog. I stand nearby to him and he pulls me closer, wrapping an arm around me. He delicately kisses me on the top of my head. For once, I'm actually glad to be shorter than him. It is embarrassing sometimes to tell people that I'm the older one I tilt myself up to repay him by pressing my lips to his. A few moments pass before our lips are once again separated. I move my body in front him, and we both reposition our arms. His eventually find their way to my hips, mine, almost automatically, go up to his neck. Necks have always been what I go for in situations much like this one.

I tug him down slightly to pull him into a stronger, more desperate, kiss. Our mouths move in synchronized motion, during which I push him backwards, slowly leading both of us into my room. My foot barely manages to kick Dan's bedroom door shut. When we are apart long enough to look around, I notice we're in my room. I waste no time looking around and, almost harshly, slam my lips back onto Dan's. My tongue gently grazes his lips as if asking for permission. He mirrors the action to me, and my tongue begins to explore the unknown territory with excitement. I feel the back of my legs hit something, I assume it's my bed and fall back onto it.

I flip both of us over quickly because I want dominance. Dan's always been more submissive anyways. My legs wrap around his waist so I'm straddling him. He holds me by my waist, pulling me closer, and I soon feel his hands reach under my shirt. My pulls it off over my head, throwing it on the floor nearby. Shortly after, his shirt is missing as well. I lean forward leaving kisses all over his jawline. Once I reach down to his neck, I start to gently bite at his neck in between kisses. I don't care if I leave any marks, and at this point, I don't think Dan does either.

Soft moans begin to escape from his mouth causing me to smile through everything. I trail down to his stomach, leaving butterfly kisses everywhere. I see the scars littering him, and my happiness fades slightly before I realize what's going on. I look up him with an expression to ask if I can proceed. He nods slightly with a desperate look on his face. I then again smile at my success to please him. I gracefully continue to kiss down his chest, reaching his waistline quickly. When I feel like he's been through enough teasing, I move my lips back to his. Without pulling away from him, I fumble around for a bit with his belt trying to undo it. I let out a frustrated sigh leaving Dan to do it himself. He lets go of a small, and adorable, laugh at my failure of a simple task. He gets takes the belt off himself while I continue leaving small bruises along his neck.

He taps my shoulder lightly, signaling me to stop. I tilt my head up quickly and flash a confused expression.

"What?" I mutter out trying to not sound annoyed even though I sort of am. I'm only upset because I was ready to go for it. Who knows when the next time I will ever get this kind of opportunity again.

He holds up his pointer finger to me to keep me quiet. I tilt my head in confusion and listen in to the sound. We both hear a faint humming coming from beside my bed. Both of our eyes divert to the bright screen on my nightstand.

I sigh and lean my head against the inside of Dan's neck. "Don't answer it." I whine at him and continue to leave kisses down the side of his neck. He laughs quietly and grabs the phone despite my short plea attempt. I stop and sit back up, my legs still wrapped around Daniel's waist.

He taps the phone screen and holds it up to his ear. I can't hear what's coming from the phone, but I can hear what Dan says in response. I nudge Dan slightly to tell him to let me listen with him.

"Yes, this is Dan Howell." His face shows the same uncertainty as mine. He puts speaker phone on so that I can hear as well.

"And you are Adrian Howell's brother, correct?" The voice is unknown, as is the number on the screen.

Apprehensively, Dan responds, "Yes." He pauses slightly before speaking again. "Why? And who is this?"

"This is Dr. Ostroski." Dan's face flushes with panic at the sound of the familiar name.

"W-Why're you calling?" Dan's voice croaks and barely manages to push out the miniscule sentence.

"We are very sorry to inform you that your brother, Adrian, passed away this evening."

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