Chapter 17

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Phil's POV + First Date - Blink 182

My eyes slowly flutter open, and my vision blurs while trying to adapt to the lighting. I move my hands up to my face to gently rub my eyes. Once I can see, I look up to see Dan's hair shooting in many directions with his eyes closed still. My mouth forms a small smile because of it. Time makes it seem like I've been staring at him forever, analyzing every detail in his face.

I try to bury my head back into the crook of his neck without waking him. Dan wiggles around for a minute before resettling and pulling my body closer. He plants a small kiss on the top of my head.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Dan. I didn't mean to wake you." I apologize, my voice being muffled.

"I don't mind." Dan's voice sounds tired and lower considering he just woke up. He reaches over me and grabs his phone, checking the time. I can see time is 12:48.

We didn't sleep much. The thought floods my mind with memories of last night, causing my smile to grow.

On Dan's phone, I see a new message from his mother. He quickly opens the message after typing in his four number password. His face flashes confusion temporarily before his thumb punches at the phone, quickly sending a response.

Dan removes his arms from around me and leans up against the headboard. I follow suit and do the same, leaning myself once again into him. He replaces his right arm around my shoulders. Dan sets his phone back down next to himself and I interlace my fingers with his other hand.

Dan's chest rises and falls with him taking a deep breath in. "Hey, Phil?" I look over to him, cueing him to continue. "Would you, ugh," He let's out a small frustrated sigh, "would you want to go out with my family?" He half mumbles out the words and I give an apprehensive nod.

I've met Dan's family before, and they know me well, but this is the first time since we came out. We both get off of the bed and leave in different directions, Dan heading for the bathroom, me heading for my room. I can hear the shower turn on and make a mental note to shower after him.

I grab a pair of black skinny jeans from my dresser and begin searching for a nice shirt to wear. My hands dig through the mess of my drawers and eventually I find a plain blue button up shirt. Before long, Dan exits the bathroom with a towel around his waist and his hair beginning to curl. I awkwardly look away out of politeness and begin walking into the bathroom. I hear Dan let out a small chuckle as he passes me.

I let out a small sigh as the warm water hits my cold, pale body. Not wanting to waste anyone's time, I quickly wash myself and step out onto the bathroom floor. I slip on my clothes and rub the towel against my wet hair. Once I have somewhat dryed my hair, I brush it straight and stare into the mirror. My expression shows a nervous smile. After messing with my fringe for a while, it is finally completely dry.

I find my way into my room only to see Dan using my straightener. I lean against my door frame and pull the best pouty face. He turns around to look at me, and his arms lower slowly from straightening. This gesture makes me laugh gently, and the corners of my mouth turn into a smile.

"It's okay, Dan. I don't care, just don't break it." After speaking, I go and stand next to him, in front of my room's mirror. I lean my head against his shoulder as he continues styling his brown hair. He eventually sets the iron down on the dresser for me to use, and he lays down on my bed while I do my hair. I don't take nearly as long as Dan does. His hair has always been way curlier than mine. I kind of really like it when it's not straight. In no time, we are both ready to leave the house.

Wait, what're we even doing? The question pops into my head, filling me with confusion.

"Dan?" He looks over to me, indicating I can continue. "What're we even doing with your family?" I tilt my head slightly, then Dan gets up to stand with me. He grabs my hand and pulls me with him out of my room.

"We're going out to eat." He continues pulling me with him and he drags me out the door with him. Once we reach the car, Dan gets into the drivers seat, and I sit next to him in the passenger's seat.

Dan starts the car and we're off to the unknown location. The car ride consists of Dan not telling me where we're going out to eat and me being anxious. My thoughts fly around at 100 miles per hour, one after another.

What if I do something embarrassing? What if there's homophobes there? Should I not kiss Dan? What should I say? Where are we even going? I'm going to mess something up. I know it.

Dan can see panic running through me and grabs my hand. He moves his thumb in small circles, soothing my nerves. I close my eyes and take in a few deep breaths, trying to think more positive thoughts. Soon, the car comes to a stop at an unfamiliar restaurant. Apprehension fills my body as the fear of the unknown hits.

We exit the car together as Dan pulls out his phone. I'm assuming he's texting his mother asking where they are. After, he puts his phone in his back pocket and smiles towards me. After we begin walking together, our hands meet. My hands recognize the familiar soft feel of his. He leads the way to the front of the building, and soon after we arrive, his parents and Adrian do. They are well dressed, just as Dan and I tried to be. Dan is wearing a black and white button up and I'm wearing a teal-blue colored button up, and, of course, both of us are wearing our black skinny jeans.

I notice Dan's mother quickly glance down at our hands, still entangled, and she smiles at me. My cheeks flush red, and I look down at the ground. We all exchange greetings and walk in. The hostess leads us to a table that can be occupied by five people. I sit down with Dan on my left and Adrian on my right.

I take the opportunity to observe my surroundings. Surprisingly, I've never been to this place before. Taking hold of the menu I was just given, I look at what the restaurant has to offer. There is a wide variety of pasta and the like. From this, I'm going to assume it's an Italian restaurant.

I already know Dan's family fairly well, yet it still feels like I'm meeting them for the first time. My hands begin to shake slightly with anxiety. I can feel Dan stealthily grab my hand, squeezing it lightly.

How was he so calm? I guess it is his family. He should be pretty comfortable around them.

My hands refuse to stop shaking even though Dan is constricting them. He notices and kisses me softly on the cheek. My heart melts and some of my nervousness floats away with my butterflies.

"Aww!" Adrian mocks us in a friendly way. Dan and I giggle, almost in unison at the small comment.

"Adrian!" His mother yells quietly at him, slapping him lightly in effort to scold him. Dan smiles towards me, but he doesn't release my hand.

"I love you, Phil." He whispers so only I can hear him. His voice seems to be lower when he's quiet.

"I love you too, Dan"

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