Chapter 7

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Phil's POV + Vanilla Twilight - Owl City

"I love you, Phil. So much." I smile at his words and have a strange idea. I'm going to bite his nose. Some of my friends were doing it at a party once, so I should probably follow suit, right?

I lean forward and gently squeeze my teeth on his nose. "I love you, too." I look at Dan sitting on the sink in front of me and laugh. He looks confused, and to be honest, he looked pretty damn cute.

"What's with the nose biting?" Dan sits, giggling for a while. When he laughs like that, his voice gets really high. He tilts forward and bites my nose in response. It feels... weird.

"I don't really know, but I kind of liked it..." I trail off, trying to catch up with my thoughts. I actually don't know if I really enjoyed that, but I think I do. It's probably because it came from Dan.

"Did I just find your kink?" Dan says, trying to lighten up the mood. I start laughing hard, bending over and clapping my hands together.

I regain my composure and start to speak. "Definitely." I look down at the bandages on his wrists and remember the previous events. My smile saddens as I take in a deep breath before speaking.

"Well, I think we've done all we can do to these." I say looking down at Dan's arms. I grab his hand, careful not to hurt him, and take him with me into my room. I sit with my back against my headboard, Dan sitting next to me to my left. I put my arm around him and pull him closer to me. Dan tilts toward me and leans his head on me. I look at both of our legs outstretched in front of us. Dan puts one of his arms over my stomach and keeps the other tucked close to him, trying to not touch his wounds. He flinches once his arm comes into contact with me.

"Do they still hurt?" I ask, even though I know they do. I look at his wrapped arms and see spots where blood is seeping through. We're going to have to change those most likely tomorrow.

"It's not that bad. I'll be fine." I look down at him as he spoke.

"Are you sure?" I ask him. I knew it wasn't "not that bad". From what I saw, he created lots of medium-deep cuts.

"No, not really, they actually hurt a lot, but when you touch them, it hurts a whole lot more." He went to put his arm back by his side, but I grab his hand before he could. I bring over a small pillow from the right side of my bed, put it on my stomach, and lay Dan's injured arm on top of it.

"Better?" I question.

"Yeah. Thanks." Dan looks up slightly and shows a small smile. I smile in return and look back to his arm. When I found him, laying on his bedroom floor, his arm was completely torn up. I looked around the room and found the broken glass. To see what he had done to himself shattered my heart just like that cup laying on the floor.

I take the hand not around Dan and lace my fingers together with his. Dan's hands are bigger than mine, but still small and thin. His hands are also very warm compared to mine. I tighten my grip on his hand a little.

"I love you, Dan. Please don't do this to yourself again." I speak, but I do not loosen my grip on him. I make sure to not hurt him as I do so. Dan looks down at our feet, near the end of the bed.

"I love you too, Phil. And I'll try. I promise." Dan's voice is barely a whisper, but it is still audible. My hand releases the tension and I remember that we are YouTubers, and the fans are probably worried or angry we haven't posted anything.

"What should we do about the whole YouTube thing? I mean, do you want the fans to know?" I try to mimic Dan's quiet voice, but I am still louder than him. He sits a little taller, him wincing at the movement of his arms.

Dan turns to look at me before speaking, "I think we should tell them. They deserve the truth." I nod in agreement and look into those amazing eyes Dan has.

"I don't think you should make videos until we sort this out. I don't want you to have one more thing to worry about."

"I agree with you. But, before I film this video that is going to address my...issues... I'm going to need to clean up my room." Dan responds quietly. He talks hesitantly as if he is ashamed of what he did.

"You're right, want to do that now?" I look down at Dan while I speak.

"Sure, would you mind helping me?"

"Not at all." We untangle our fingers and get off of my bed. I let Dan lead the way for the short walk.

I enter the room and analyze the mess for the first time. There's a small pile of glass on the floor from a cup, and more glass is there from a broken lightbulb. All of the things that were once on top of Dan's dresser now rest on the ground near the bathroom door. I notice a hole in the wall by his bedroom door.

I leave the room to gather a broom and dustpan. When I return, I see that Dan has started to place things back onto his dresser. Placing the pan on the floor, I sweep up all of the glass shards.

"Should we tell the fans about us dating?" I say in an effort to break the silence

"Well, with all going on right now, I feel like two huge announcements would be too much for them, and me."

"Okay. That's a good plan, Dan."

After picking up the lamp and other items laying on the floor, Dan sets up his camera in his room.

"Do you want me to be in this video with you? Or should I wait behind the camera?" Dan tilts his head up to look at me, and he pauses from picking up the items off of his almost clean floor.

"I'd love for you to be in it. For moral support, you know?" His words come out smooth and cause me to smile. I'm glad he wants me to be there with him. I know he's going to need some support while making this video. It's not going to be an easy thing to film, but we'll get through it together.

I walk over to where he is now standing and plant a sweet peck on his lips.

"You ready, babe?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

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