Chapter 10

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Dan's POV + Voodoo Doll - 5 Seconds of Summer

When I wake up in the morning, Phil is still wrapped in my arms. That brings a smile to my face and fills me with hope that the rest of my day will be just as cheerful. My angel looks too peaceful to wake, so I stay still. I glance over Phil's shoulder to see that it is only 9am. I can sacrifice a few more hours of my day for this cutie. But not even an hour passes before Phil is stirring in my arms. He turns over onto his back, crushing my arm in the process.

"Ow! Holy shit, ow." My cries of pain bring him totally into consciousness.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" His pale blue eyes meet my dark brown ones and we both burst out in a fit of giggles and smiles. Although it did hurt, it was a pretty funny sight to see us both frantically spazzing out at nearly 10 in the morning. Not to mention that we were still wrapped in our blankets, which probably made us look like quick moving worms. The lighter dies down and leaves us both breathing heavily.

"Good morning!" I say playfully as we both sit up against the headboard. All of our blankets ended up on the floor so Phil clings to me for warmth.

"Morning." He smiles a big smile and blinks the sleep out of his eyes. "What are we doing today?"

"I didn't have any plans, how about a movie or video game day?" I suggest, knowing how much Phil adores games.

"But I play video games all the time, how about we go out? Or wait! We can hang out with Chris and Pj!" The excitement in his eyes is enough to get me to agree.

"I'd be up for that! So are we going to tell them that we're dating?" My voice is hesitant, big announcements are a touchy subject and right now, we are both treading on thin ice.

"Um, no. I think it would be best to tell them only right before the fans." His voice is also soft as he realizes that this could lead to a fight. I just nod my head in agreement and get up to start getting dressed. Phil leaves my room to go get ready in his.

Half an hour later we are both ready to go and we actually have permission to go. I'm dressed in all black, as usual, whereas Phil has gone with a more colorful option of a Super Mario Bros T-shirt. As we walk out of our apartment I grab Phil's hand, but he quickly jerks it away. My look of hurt makes him frantic to explain.

"No one knows about us, remember?" He looks sad, as if he wants to hold hands as much as I do. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Oh yeah. But now no one knows that you're mine and they're all going to try to flirt with you." I pull a pouty face. He chuckles before reassuring me.

"It's fine, I won't let them flirt with me, if that will make you feel better." He smiles sheepishly as we continue walking down the many stairs that separate our apartment from the streets of London. The scenery is beautiful. Although the air is polluted, that just makes the whole city scape even more authentic. I enjoy our short stroll to PJ's house as Phil and I talk about nothing and everything all at once. I'm a bit upset that in public I can't lean over and kiss Phil whenever I want, but it's for the best.

We arrive at Pj's house and immediately he engulfs Phil in a hug. Jealousy. Phil is mine, not his. Next Pj comes and embraces me, but all I can focus on is Chris hugging Phil. Maybe going out wasn't the best idea. I'm fuming as I walk into their apartment. Almost instantly Phil realizes that there is something wrong. He shoots me a concerning glance but I just shake my head, clearly annoyed that I have to share my angel. At Pj's we don't know what to do, so we decide to do a live show. Phil and I quickly tweet that we are livestreaming with them and in 5 minutes the show is starting.

"Hey guys! How are you doing?" Pj starts it off, looking at the chat to read some of the responses. He nods at some before introducing everyone else in the room. "So today I'm joined with AmazingPhil. Say one fact about yourself go!" Of course he starts with Phil. He probably has a crush on him.

"Um, hi! Uh one fact, ummmm..." He trails off, unable to think of one and we all burst out laughing.

"Aren't very quick on your head there, are you Phil?" Chris jokes, knocking on Phil's head lightly, implying that it is hollow. He's flirting. I knew it, they both like Phil. I'm seeing red as Pj and Chris keep making fun of Phil.

"Alright, next up is Chris!" Pj announces and I don't hear Chris respond but I can assume that he replies with some silly fact that is probably a lie. I'm not focused. I'm too preoccupied thinking of ways to snap to Chris and Pj's necks if they try to touch my angel. I'm so zoned out that I don't hear Pj call my name. I'm only pulled out of my trance by Phil poking my side.

"Sorry, what?" I'm dazed when I respond, still not all there.

"It's your turn for a fact!" Chris yells. They all look at me eagerly, except for Phil, who looks at me with concern. I suddenly know what I am going to do for my fun fact. It'll make the Phandom go crazy, but right now all I care about is making sure everyone knows that Phil is mine.

"Um something about myself, um...Phil is my best friend!" I shout and tackle him, much like he did to me in the first Phil Is Not On Fire. He burst out laughing as we both sit back up and fix our hair. I look at the chat and see several people have commented things like "OMG THE PHAN!" or "THE PAST IS REPEATING ITSELF!". I smirk to myself as the chat is filled with comments about me and Phil. Yes, me and Phil. NOT Phil and Chris. Or Phil and Pj. It's all about Dan and Phil. Just how I wanted it to be. Just how it should be.

The rest of the live stream goes by in a blur as I don't want to focus on people flirting with Phil. So before I know it, it's time go home. Thank God. I rush Phil and I out of there so we can get home as soon as possible. I storm down the streets of London in a frenzy to get my Phil away from everyone one else. We walk into our apartment and as soon as the door shuts, Phil speaks.

"What's wrong? And don't tell me that you're fine because you clearly aren't!" He isn't angry, but he talks with a loud tone of voice to make sure I know that he won't leave me alone until he gets an answer. With that fact in mine I still choose to fight him.

"I don't want to talk about it." I'm a lot softer than he is. He sighs an annoyed sigh and runs a hand through his hair.

"I didn't ask if you wanted to talk about it!" My eyes widen. He's starting to get mad. He's yelling. I can't do yelling. He probably notices my fear as he hastily calms himself down and walk over to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into a tight hug. I immediately return the favor.

"Please tell me. I just want to help." He looks up at me, our arms still wrapped around each other. I pull away and sit down on the couch in the lounge, patting the seat next to me. Phil sits down and I grab ahold of his hands.

"I was upset because...Pj and Chris were flirting with you!" I say in an accusing tone. He pulls a confused face before bursting out laughing.

"Oh my gosh! You're jealous!" Phil says between giggles. He takes a while to recollect himself, but when he does, he leans over to give me a short kiss on my lips.

"So are you going to yell at me for being irrational?" I ask quietly, not wanting to be scolded.

"Of course not. But you don't need to be jealous. I'm yours, you're mine, and that is just how it is." Phil smiles shyly at me. Hearing him say these words makes my heart flutter. I get butterflies and my face gets reds. I'm so lucky and it's hard to believe that after all my mistakes, he still wants me.

He still wants me, and that is the reason that I keep going.

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