Chapter 26 (Epilogue)

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Third Person POV + Miserable at Best - Mayday Parade

Dan's funeral was held two weeks later. Phil had cried at least once every day leading up to it. Whenever people asked anything about the funeral or about Dan in general, Phil would put off answering as long as possible.

"What flowers would you like?"

"What food should there be?"

"How many guests should we expect?"

"Do you want the cut marks covered up?"

All the questions sounded the same to Phil. They were all the same ear piercing reminder that Dan was gone, and he wasn't coming back. Phil wanted so bad to move on. But he just couldn't, no matter how hard he tried.

Both boys only wished the other was okay, Dan in whatever part of his mind still remained, and Phil in the midst of all his crying sessions. Dan silently willed Phil to move on while Phil fiddled with the engagement ring that would remain vacant forever.

They were both left with only memories.

Chapter 2 -

It's 2 in the morning when we speak again.

"Hey, Dan, I'm going to go lay down." He says quietly, and starts to get up off of the couch.

"Noooo." I whine and reach out for him. We make eye contact before exploding into hysterical laughter at 2 am.

"Sorry, not sorry." He says hurriedly and walks out of the room.

Chapter 3 -

"This isn't the only one." Dan says, lifting his shirt. It reveals a meadow of sadness, his stomach lined with red marks. I scan his body, analyzing all that I had missed. These are the stories I haven't been told. I see many scars littered among the fresh wounds.

He drops his shirt back down and I bring my hands up to my face. Tears fall all over my face, wetting my hands.

"I'm sorry, Phil."

Chapter 4 -

"Do you really care that much about me?" I ask as I turn to face him. He turns to look back at me.

"Of course I do, Dan." He replies, but he still looks nervous. He is probably just worried he will say the wrong thing, or trigger me. "Hey dan?"

"What?" I reply hesitantly, hoping we have moved off of the topic of my self injury.

"Would it be weird if I said I love you?"

Chapter 5 -

With that in mind, I get up from my current position on my bed and walk over to him. I grab him by the waist, pulling him closer, and kiss him again, guiding him loosely into the hall. I push myself forward just enough to have him pinned against the wall.

I pull away for a moment to speak, but I leave my hands on his waist. Dan looks at me with wide eyes. He's surprised.

Chapter 6 -

"I-I'm really sorry, but I can't just stop, Phil. This is going to take time, but maybe being with you would help," I take in a deep breath and try to calm my nerves, "so, if you'll still have me, I'd love to be your boyfriend."

Chapter - 10

"Um something about myself, um...Phil is my best friend!" I shout and tackle him, much like he did to me in the first Phil Is Not On Fire. He burst out laughing as we both sit back up and fix our hair.

Chapter 11 -

"How could you do this to us, Dan? I would kill to have your life. You have it so good, you've got nothing to be depressed about." The boy is yelling at Dan and causing a crowd of people to circle around us. Dan bursts into tears, sobbing loudly and holding his face in his hands.

Before I can do anything about the rude, ignorant "fan", security pulls him away for causing a scene. I put my hands on Dan's shoulders and he looks at me with red, sadness filled, eyes.

"You're going to be okay, Dan."

Chapter 12 -

"Are you okay? Why're you crying?" He asks cautiously, wiping away my tears with his thumb.

"I did it, Phil. I'm trying, I really am. I'm going to get better, I can do this."

Chapter 13 -

"Fuck it." Before I can comprehend what's going on, Dan's lips are pressed against mine. He presses a little harder on my mouth before he pulls away. After, he looks into my eyes, then back at the screen. Audible gasps come from the computer speakers and Dan's family looks beyond shocked. My eyes widen in fear and panic from their reactions.

"So, um, yeah."

Chapter - 14

"How could I not worry about you, angel? You are my sky, my stars, my moon. My everything."

Chapter - 16

"Dance with me!" Phil shouts and walks over to me. He pulls on my shirt and I give in to him. He's too damn cute. He wraps his arms around my neck and I put mine around his waist. We sway slowly just listening to the music. I pull Phil closer to me as I start to sing along to the song. He smiles up at me and I continue to sing to him.

Chapter 19 -

"W-Why're you calling?" Dan's voice croaks and barely manages to push out the miniscule sentence.

"We are very sorry to inform you that your brother, Adrian, passed away this evening."

Chapter 22 -

"Dan? W-what're you doing!" Phil's frantic voice fills my ears as he runs over and grabs the box from my hands. A mortified look crosses his face before it is replaced by a mix of disappointment and sympathy. He knows perfectly well what I was trying to do, he just doesn't want to accept it.

"Of course you showed up! It's been awhile!" I stand up and scream at him. He can't ignore me and then all of the sudden show up and act like he cares. I won't let him. It isn't fair to me.

Chapter 23 -

"May I?" I question, pointing towards his hand. Dan gives me a excited nod before I carefully remove the covering. Underneath it shows a small red heart with two letters inside. P.L.

Chapter 24 -

"I'll miss you, Angel."

Chapter 25 -

"So, you think Dan'll say yes?" Clair speaks up, breaking my chain of thought and bringing me back into focus of what's around me.

"I sure hope so. He means a lot to me." I continue my ring browsing when one catches my eye. A silver ring with a woven black band in the middle of it. I call over Clair to pull the ring out of the case for me to look at. "Excuse me, Clair? Can I see this ring?"

Chapter 4 -

He is my everything.

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