chapter 1. future king..

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So we are here the legend Kingdom Ujjain.. it's belong to royal family called "nigam". The king dewaan build this legend Kingdom. The Ujjain kingdom didn't face any famines so People says that it's God's land..The Peoples are so hard working and they respect their king , queen more than their Life. . now Ujjain kingdom going to welcome their 8th king Yah now it's their 8th generation going to Rule the kingdom..

Since 14 years nigams ruling bandhara also

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Since 14 years nigams ruling bandhara also..

It's another beautiful day. usually in palace all start doing their routine work like dasis cooking cleaning around the palace and birds making garden more beautiful. Temples bells sound making the day more peaceful..

So in a royal fighting room..

4 boys are practicing their sword fighting . 4of them are doing it well.all boys are looking super handsome , one boy was looking like a Greek god.. already girls star drolling over them after sometime they finished their practice..

Boy1- heii bro your skills are growing day by day..

Boy2- yah..

Boy3- thanks.. you are the future master soldiers of this Kingdom.. your skills also super amazing..

Boy4- yah yah it's our pleasure.. so Prince queen called you..

Boy3- yah .. bye..

Prince left from their.. goes to royal court there all The ministers , soldiers, elders give him respect..

Queen- come here my son..

Prince - yah .mom you call me

Queen - yah.. I took a decision.. I know my son always agree to my decisions..

Prince- always mom.. say .

Queen- so . Our Kingdom going to get a new king.. so yah, my son turn to 23 so he is going to be the next king.. so I am announcing the Prince SIDDHARTH going to be your future king. And his coronation function will announced soon..

So all are becom happy because there Kingdom peoples already except him as their king

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So all are becom happy because there Kingdom peoples already except him as their king. all start shouting ,their future king's name. Siddharth give a gentle smile to everyone and say to stop . And he look at his mother with proud full smile.

Queen- so .. Siddharth .. after sometime come to meet me..

The queen and all left from there after the announcement .Siddharth also left to his room.. whole Kingdom knew about this new announcement they all become so happy..

At somewhere of their Kingdom
Girls are filing their pots from taking water from river ... They are doing their worke with full of happiness then a girl come there and shout..

Girl- heiii.. listen!!! you got your job in palace..

Girl 2- really.. ( jumping in happiness) thank you so much for saying this..

Girl 3 - now you going to leave us na

Girl 4- hmm.. yaar we gonna miss you..

Gir2- stupid.. how can I miss my sisters ..huh.

The all laugh at them and fild their pots and go to the village.. they goes to their places..

So hii I am avneet you know today is also a best day of my life

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So hii I am avneet you know today is also a best day of my life . I got job in palace. And now I am going to meet so many friend. I had dream from childhood to see a real palace .today it's going to be real . so dear diary after I'll come back I am going to say the whole story ..


Sorry for short chap..
Next chapters gonna be long..

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