chapter 31. victory?

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A beautiful evening with the setting sun spreading golden light.
A huge empire waiting to be conquered

The bell ringing from the east side of the palace, the typical temple with devotees, the devotional sounds of womens fasting Vetika.

The bell ringing from the east side of the palace, the typical temple with devotees, the devotional sounds of womens fasting Vetika

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The doors were opened and the yuvaraani were politely ushered in.

With an unadorned field and a beautiful sari that did not shine much as gold store , she crossed the bowed sevars with a beautiful smile on her face and touched the Maharani's feet and took blessings..

She did not receive the blessing as she had expected, and the Maharani turned away showing her displeasure at her arrival..

After completing some pujas as told by Pandit, they started fasting.

Smita- I accept that this wasn't Yuvraj's first battle. But this is the first time that a very powerful government is at war.
So I am expressing my opinion. I want to conduct the pujas that should be performed by Yuvarani according to the time-honored tradition. 

Everyone heard her opinion and started whispers to to accept it.

Avu- as all wished. I will

Smita and her daughter smirked.
Maharani just forced on her prayer.
Then Anu

Anu- bahbhi.. it's not a easy task!! You-

Avu- I know Anu. I will manage.

Sending a sweet smile she went ahead.
No one can help Yuvarani in this puja. As a result, all the women left the temple.
According to Pandit, some of the maids lit bonfires around her.

She started the pooja by standing straight and looking at Krishna with folded hands and closed eyes.
One should stand in the same way till the end of the fast for the pooja and praise Krishna. At the time of the Puja, opening the eyes due to the heat of fire bands around or for other reasons, the inauspiciousness will takes place.

Same way.
In Smita's chamber.

Both set on the bed while laughing.

Ashi- poor YUVARAANI!!!  She didn't even know that she  is-

Smita- shhhh!! Don't take the word!! Doors and walls also have ears on this palace.

Ashi- yahh..  

Smita- hear your gift.  Keep eye on yuvaraani as you did before.

She gave gold coins to Munna.

Munna- ji..

Smita - go I heard Vibha telling to her maid to prepare her ointment for her leg . Soo

She rise her eyes while smirking. Ashi nods and left from there.

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