chapter 22 . avneet's consent

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Next day morning .

Someone woke up him from sleep..
He quickly got up.

Lady - don't worry beta!! Your wife's condition become good..

Sidd- w.. wife. 

Lady - yah.. yesterday night was special for us Couse it's our family deity's special 2 night.. mean our deity had came to earth on a night !! And yah ..
So yesterday you both got married and now you both a having a strong binding. About her health , her cut was deep but god saved her.

Sidd- Thank you so much.... I will never forgot your aid..

He said while folding hands . The lady smiled.

Sidd- c.. can I meet her?

Lady- yah.

Sidd- we ...w. .we have to go to our country .. is she can?

Lady- she having cut on her corner of abdomen so ... Hmm . She can
Where you form??

Sidd- u..u.uj Ujjain

Lady-oh I think.. tomorrow our Bullock carts will go to Ujjain .. so you can use it!

Sidd- Thanks alot..

His eyes were already moisten .he thanked her and went inside.
He saw his love laying on a bed.

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He neared to her ..
He set down and Holded her hand .. he slowly placed a soft kiss on her palm .

Sidd- neet.. p..p.. please wake up bacha..
I.. I'm sorry.. because of me you bore this much.. I'm.. I'm so careless !! Please ..

He said in a broken Tone..


Abhimanyu saved all peoples and took them to their mother land .. he reached Ujjain with those culprits!!
Here king Faisal and Raaj found out about the secret tunnel but they couldn't find out about the informant

Here all waited for yuvraj but all got worried after seeing abhimanyu alone.
But he explained that he was having some important works so thet's Why he stayed there..

With Smita

Smita- ashi!!  Look yuvraj will come tomorrow so you have to convince my dear sister-in-law for you marriage!

Ashi- maah.. she already agreed!! And she said that she will talk to pandit after Siddharth's return !!

Smita- hmm !! After your marriage!! I have to Finnish her too 😈..

With jannat

Anu- dii your amends also got completed!! And Why can't you were your jewellery !!

Jaan- wo..Anu!! I.. I'm scared! 

Anu- dii.. nothing will happen!! And look he will be come after 3 or 4 months.. so his mother should have to be strong na.

Jaan- anuu!! It can be a girl toooooo!!

Anu- we already betted about Thet!!

Jaan-yah yah!! 😒

With siddharth

After some hours avneet woke up from her sleep.. sidd saw this . and quickly hold her .. she tried to sit but the pain hit her , she Winced .
Siddharth helped her to sit. Then the lady gave a soup . 

Lady - you are blessed for a great soulmate !!

Avu- m.. mean ( week tone)

Sidd- c..c.. can we talk about this later!?

Lady- no beta.. it's our rituals .  If any couple had their marriage in our village !! Then we always present a  special stone  .. and yesterday night was special for us.. so PLEASE keep it with you. Ok

Lady smiled and left from there .. here our avu was dumbstrucked .. she was unaware about her statement.. she looked at siddharth who was looking down ..

Avu- s...s.. siddharth ..

He slowly neared to her.

Sidd- w..w..wo .neet how are you feeling now?

Avu- .. fine! B.. but!

Sidd- neet I'm sorry! But I didn't had any other options to save your life . Thet's why I agree without your consent.. by,-

Avu- wi..w.. which consent,? And this  stone?

Siddharth took a breath and set down on his knees and Holded her both hands.

Sidd- neet!! W..w..we are married ..

He said in a calmed voice.. but our avneet dismayed after hearing his words.

Avu- w.. what!!

Sidd- yah!! Yesterday night we got married !!

Siddharth's calmness made her more strained. Her tears leaked from her eyes.

Avu- w..w.. what.a..are ..y..y.. you taking siddharth! Joke na.

Sidd- I'm saying the truth only! Avu your cut were bleeding too much then I found out this village but they didn't allowed you. Because you are unmarried!! S for saving your life I..I.. had to .

He said in culpable voice.. her eyes become more teary!! Seeing this siddharth also become worried . Couse he thought Thet she will agree for a new life with him .  But her tears, broken voice, broken behaviour made him feel guilty!

Sidd - neet ..s..say something

Avu- I..I..we .we can't

She cried..

= Is Avneet's feeling got changed?
= What will happen next.??
= Who will be smita's next target?

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Ignore the mistake 🙂.

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