chap 11. bahbhi

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My alasmine story is ranking on #2 sidneet 🥳🥳🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊

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My alasmine story is ranking on #2 sidneet 🥳🥳🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊

( It's my Idea but writer is my cousin sister. )


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And thanks for 300+ votes.🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


Next morning bring some new hopes to everyone...
In palace all works are going usually..

In Siddharth's chamber.

Due to sun rise the two beautiful souls peaceful sleep broken.

Avneet slowly open her eyes , then Sharp headattach hit her . Then she released its not her room . She start rooming her eyes around than she got a huge shock..

Because she was sleeping in Siddharth's lap..

( In this position

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( In this position.)

She remember last night that they fall on pond but after she couldn't remember anything ..
Then she released her dress also changed .. many things start jumping on her mind she was scared that something happened between them she quickly get up from him. due to sudden action he also wake up..

Sidd- aree.. avu ( with sleepy voice)

Then he saw avneet's eyes were red..

Sidd- kya huwa??

He try to cup her face .. but she jerked his hand..

Avu- w..wh.. what.. h.. happened y.. yesterday night!! ..w.. who c..Ch.. d..d..d.. dress huh??
( With scary voice , moisten eyes)

Then siddharth understand she get wrong about him..
Then she quickly get out from his bed

Sidd- .are you are taking wrong nothing happened last night you just get unconscious due to cold..

Avu- .. dress??

Sidd- you think I will do anything without your permission??

Avu- w.. what are you me.. meens?

Sidd- yesterday you are so wetted , so my sister change your clothes..

After hearing avneet's eyes filled with guilty cause for a small moment she thought wrong about him.

Avu- I..I..I'm so.. sorry I just-

Sidd- it's okay I can understand..

Then someone knocked the door.

Sidd- you go from here quickly..

Avu- but why are you take me here? And who's room is this? And wh-

Sidd-I will tell you everything later. now I have work also. If someone see us than they will get wrong about us so go from here..

She didn't ask any future questions she left from there..


Siddharth brought avneet to his chamber then he released her clothes were wet. So he quickly go out from his chamber then he saw princess Anushka then he runs towards her and drug her to his room.

Anu- bhaai KY..kya karrahi ho?
App ithna geela kyu hei?

Sidd- anu!! I want your help.

Anu- kya!! Why are you
stumbling ?

Sidd- don't ask any questions now please help me I will tell you everything later.. please!!

Anu- o.. okay.. tell me first.

Siddharth point towards his bed .

Sidd- she is also wet due to cold she get unconscious can you please change her clothes .

Anu's eyes widen due to see them in same condition.

Anu- ky-

Sidd- for your Raaj's sake .. first do it..

Anu- ok.. you Go , but clothes ?

Sidd- I already bring them.. go na.

Anu- yah you go ok..

He Goes to library room its in his chamber only.
After Anushka done her work and call him.

Anu- now tell me .who is she? why are your both wet? why is she in your chamber? Is she your girlfriend? Ohhh goddd.. you love her?

Sidd- chup!!

Anu- haiii bagavan!! mera bhaai jan ko pyar hogaya!! ( Happily)

Sidd- Haan.. wo..

He told the scene.

Anu- so you love her.😏??

Sidd- hmm.( While trying to hide his blush)

Anu- me bohot kush hoon..

Sidd- don't be over happy now you go from here.

Anu- aise kaise !! ek aurat ko tum jaisa avivahat purush ke sath main Akela chhod Kar kaise ja sakta hai ? Wo bhi mera hone wali bahbhi ko!!

Sidd- tuuu!! JAA!

Anushka run from there while laughing.

....Flashback over....

After Siddharth get ready because today his sister coming from her Kingdom..


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*IfIhad any mistake then please ignore it.*

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