chapt 13. do you LOVE me?

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Hii guys!! Hope you all fine.
Sorry for late update.

Anu- you know.. bhaai love someone .( With a excited tone)

Jaan- bhaii!! Really!!  Who is she?

Ashi- he is my siddu!! Who is Thet bitch!

Anu- come here

She wishper in jann's ear..

Ashi- what are they whispering to each other ? UHhggg!! I can't hear anything.

Jaan- ( happily)  sach me!

Anu- Haan..

Jaan- but a maid!

Anu- love can happen in anyway yaar.

Jaan- nowadays you are very interested in love meters 😏. Looks like my bro raaj change my childish sis..

Anu-😳 anyway how is my champ.. ( pointing to her belly)

Jaan- heiii! It's can be a girl too.

Anu- batt..?

Jaan shook her hand with her ..

Jaan- bett!!

Here Ashi gose to met her mom ( Smita)

Sidd and Faisu were super angry because of their rubbishes.. jaan also sad , thet's Why anu Sayed about avu , to make her mood good.

Sidd- how can they talk about my sister like Thet.!

Faisu- hmm.. now leave it.. maah didn't tell anything na.. now tell me. How about you?

Sidd - good . 

They met after long time so they talk for sometime. The day went smoothly. Ashi couldn't say anything to her mother because she was busy in her work whole day. About avu ,. She is super sad and tired because she did lots of work today.

At evening she waited for siddharth . But he didn't come .  Sadly she returns to her room with her friends.

Anu and jaan spend time with each other.
But Vibha didn't talk with jaan. Sidd also spend time with his sisters.

At night with sidd..

Sidd- such a good day. Oh God..!! I forgot to meet my love.. how can I meet her?

He decided to meet her .. so he goes to her room.. it's not her room so there are lots of girls. He tell to a dasi to  , say to avneet to comes to garden.. 

Dasi also gives this msg to avneet . But didn't Sayed about yuvraj...
She also left from there with a  , sad face..

Then someone pull her to a corner.
She was about to  Shout than he kept his Palm on her  mouth.
It was siddharth.. than she became calm , he removed his hand from her mouth.

 than she became calm , he removed his hand from her mouth

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Avu- Bandar!!!

She punch his stomach and about to go then he  caged her between his arms .

Sidd- sorry na..

Avu- NO.. leave me.

Sidd- please ( with a cute pout)

Avu- he is super cute yaar. Hmm.
Why did you bought me to Thet room? And who is your sister? Why did you not comes to meet me? Y-

Sidd- shhh!! Tomorrow comes to royal court ..ok.

Avu- what!

Sidd- you will get your answers. And

He hold her hand then she hissed he quickly looked at her hand.

Sidd- what happened?? ( Looking at her wound)

Avu- wo.. today I late to my work so they gave me punishment.

Sidd- what!!  Im sorry it's all happened because of me

Avu- heii.. now im fine and thanks for saving me 😊 I have to go now

He looked at her eyes , it's showing love towards him , she was about to go then he hold her hand.

Sidd- are you LOVE me?

With a flow he asked. After he released

Sidd- are me ye kya bol Diya..

After hearing this avneet become shock.
She asked Thet question from her .

Avu- am I love him?

Now sidd decided to get his answer.

Sidd- answer neet..

For a moment they didn't Heard anything except their hearts beet. Sidd thought he get wrong about her feelings so he released her hand .

She slowly moved away from him . Siddharth's Face dropped to floor  ..
Then he heard a voice.

Avu- maybe ..

Thet words start ringing on his mind. He slowly looked at her direction, her back facing him .

Sidd- m..meen?

Avu- meen!

She said while chuckling. And and start walking.

Sidd- are you love me.?

She stopped on her way and took a long breath .

Avu- ohh god why I fall for a bandar.

She said in a Shy Tone and run from there. Siddharth couldn't believe what just happened. He start jumping like a Kidd..

Sidd- she loves me !!.. yeeeeyyyy!!.


Guys, next update will be late !!
Our school announced a important exam. So I have to stay there.

I will update after returning to my home.

Goals- 26+ votes.

Stay tuned..

Please ignore the mistake. .

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