chapter 35 . black magic

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As Holi is about to begin, everyone has started getting ready for it. The next day started to end such a beautiful day. As usual Yuvarani finished the pooja to Sun God and when she reached her room she got a shocking news...‌

Reka - yuvaraani. Yuvraj has ordered your belongings to be moved to his room. He also said that your room can be used for some official matters and for your work.

Avu- what.. but. Okay where's he now.

Reka - he is getting fresh, yuvaraani.

Avu- okay you may leave now.

She went to his room after the arrangements. It's totally different as well because now she is going to be with her love.

Yuvaraj came out from his bath. He smiled seeing her and went closer.

Avu- yuvaraj..-

Sidd- shhh. I know.. well if you doesn't like to stay here means you are wishing me to get married again!! Aren't you?

Well the reason of his words are,
Marrying several times is a common thing to a king / yuvaraj . So sharing a bedroom with one woman is unfair thet's why they never shares one room. And if a king/ yuvaraj wants to spend a night then only they brought their wives to their room. Only for a night.

Sidd- I just have one. So why should you want to have a separate one. Huh.

He questioned in a teasing way. But it's made his yuvaraani to become angry as well.

Avu- am I said!! No right. I just wanted to ask you about this sudden change. Thet's it.

She turned to her wardrobe.

Sidd- . I'm sorry . I know I never gave my time to you after our marriage. But there is something which is.. is .. leave it.
The changes will be good for us.

Avu felt some kind of guilty in his voice. She turned

Avu- *smils*. It's okay. I love the changes as well.

He signed to hug him . She lightly blushed over her husband's cuteness and slowly hugged him.

After the dinner.

Both were laying on bed while our yuvaraani's head is on her husband's chest.

Sidd- there is something. I mean Rani smitha is hiding something. She is just doing weird things.

Avu- mean?

Sidd- black magic. Years ago . After her husband's death, she started to do o these things as well. I'm a small boy but I remember.
Thet night.
We went to bandhara. As it was a friendly kingdom for us. My mom and smitha stayed here. The day before leaving I went to meet ashi then I saw something horrible it's seems horrible for me because I'm a small boy. Smitha.she was dressed in white and continually spelling some random things . And her hand was playing with the fire . I know it's pretty stupid. But yah she did this.
Well next day we went to bandhara. And my father introduced his friend's daughter. She was 6 . Welllll he fixed my marriage with her for the sake of friendship . Or we can say it as a last wish of her mother. Ashi's father didn't liked it much. And one night all changed.
Ashi's father came to meet my father..
Few minutes ago I came inside Thet room . And hide myself behind the bed because we were playing Thet time.
Ashi's father started to argue................


SF - you are out of your mind. See we can't betray them..

AS- I'm not saying to betray them. We just -

With a blasting sound the war started.
Some solders started to attack ....
The both kings started fight as well. Between the war Bandar gets to know Thet the solders are from Ujjain. The fires of treachery and betrayal began to flood.
No one could have imagined that this guilt between the two kingdoms, which had been friends for hundreds of generations, was about to bring great destruction.

At this moment, a part of the palace burst open with a tremendous noise to bring our boyish prince out of hiding. Unable to bear this pressure, he fell unconscious.

The sun rose in the morning. . The night's events were captured by the tears of people around and their cries.


lashback ends

Sidd- Im sure that smitha and her husband were there. They used a tunnel to Ascap. After this incident whole Bandra went through to death. My marriage was fixed so the kingdom's responsibility came to our hands.

Avu-what happened to all?

Sidd- all. The whole royal family dead.
Along with My father. Ashi's father was not founded. Smitha herself reveled Thet he died Infront of her eyes. only me and smitha got saved. Later we got to know Thet her husband only planned it.

Avu- do you think. Thet rani smitha also!?

Sidd- hmmm. After few days of Thet incident one of a old scholar met me at gurukul ( school) . He said " there is a black magic trapped the palace . Not soon but the blood rever will start to run all over the kingdom. Just like bandhara.. " .

After a 1 hour conversation. Both went for a walk on royal garden.

Avu- so you are already married?is she beautiful?

Ah asked in a teasing.

Sidd- huh just fixed. btw she is really cute and talktive , same time her eyes are so gorgeous . Thet time I found her too pretty .

Avu- ohh..

She signed and started to move forward he hold her hand and brought her closer

Sidd- don't you smells a burning one.

He chuckled .

Avu- yeah. Thet's me. Happy?


Sorry for the late update.
Well I'm on 10 now. So I'm not having time at all due to extra classes.

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