chapter 33 strange things.

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After that night, yuvaraani informed about her family to yuvaraj. He promised her to help her on Thet case .

Thay had a small time but Both spent it worthy with eachother.

Next day. Yuvraj went to shratrashala . And get company with all after a big break.

Here Maharani and her daughter have left to bandhara . Not forgetting the culture yuvaraani had followed since time immemorial, she returned to her room after cooking various dishes in the kitchen on her cooking day....

While passing the shratrashala her eyes fallen on yuvaraj who is shocking all by his skills.

She smiled and neared to the end of the balcony to take a visible look.
(His upper clothes were removed.)
Her maids stepped behind as a respect.

Then our yuvaraani's eyes fall on few girls.. who are not maids they're the bestest friends of royal members so they just do works for there leaders.

So she saw them drooling over her men .
Her grip tightened on stair's handrail.
Seeing their yuvaraani's enviousness both maids Chuckled lightly. .

After few minutes they all are done with their all set on their places. Then some maidens came in front of everyone swaying their beautiful hips.
This is a custom. It is their custom to cool the mind with their beautiful dance in front of the beautiful men of the country who are resting after finishing their work.

All starts to drank their vine ( sharbhat)
While enjoying the dance...

Avneet also shocked seeing those beautiful dancers who are looks like apsaras ..

Then Raajkumari ashi also arrived their with her maids. All greeted eachother.

Ashi- pranam yuvaraani. I didn't get much time to talk with you. So thought to meet you.

Avu-pranam. Yah we both didn't had time. And I -

She stopped and says to leave all maids.

Avu- I'm sorry for all those things. And.. and I thought that you are also hate me . Thet's why-

Ashi- I can understand.. well can we stop talking about this?

Avu- yah sure.

Then both looked at the dance.

Ashi- I ...I usually come here. But I quit the habit that day. My eyes falling on him even after he belongs to someone else.....not good..

Avneet She didn't understand what she was trying to say because all the words sounded different.

Ashi- Do you know my mother told me a story when I was young!!
A beautiful girl lived a very simple and happy life. At the age of one, she crossed the seven seas to set up her life. Her eyes locked with two more eyes. Thinking that the eyes are the world, she held hands with confidence. Life changed ... his time for her decreased. The eyes that spoke to her eyes traveled in search of other eyes. Solitude.. Solitude.. hmm.

Avneet was confused by her statement.
Then she noticed happiness behind her eyes.

Avu- forgive me. But I didn't understand.

Ashi- sorry. I just felt alone. Thet's why.
Okay so.. see there .. beautiful isn't?

Avneet looked at those dancers.

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