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Jungkook pov

"I need you to be my boyfriend."

Yes please.

Wait... what did he just say?

I must be going deaf or something, because I'm pretty sure I did not just hear my best friend, no...

my very straight best friend, asked me to be his boyfriend. He must be having a brain aneurysm or some thing.

I need you to be my boyfriend.

Those are seven words I never expected to leave the gorgeous and enticing mouth of Red's star quarter back. At least not whilst I was awake.

In my dreams I hear those words every single night.

Of course, he doesn't know that.

That's classified information that only me, myself and I is privy to.

And I guess my parents, but they are not exactly going to shout from the rooftops that I fantasize about my best friend.

"I'm going to need you to repeat that,"

I say to my best friend and man of my dreams Park Jimin who's just standing there staring at me as if I hold the answers to the world's most complicated questions.

He scrunches his sickeningly handsome face, and I can't hold back the smirk that overcomes my face at the little crease that appears between his eyes whenever he makes this face.

It's been the same facial expression he's been making since we were six and I cannot get enough of it.

He looks so cute and adorable when ever he makes it.

Of course, that is information I'm going to hold close to my chest and never admit to him.

If there's one thing you learn from being best friends with a straight, high school jock is that you never tell them how cute and adorable they look.

Emasculation is basically a sin to straight high school jocks, and I may already have my one-way ticket to hell according to the homophobes, but I don't want to anger the high school jocks.

Despite how much I may want to.

I think, if I uttered either of those words whilst conversing with jimin and discussing his appearance, I have it on good authority that would be the day I say goodbye to our friendship and probably my life as we know it on this planet.

Now if a girl uttered the words cute and adorable whilst talking about his face, he would be all over that shit.


Straight jocks and their need to not appear or be considered slightly femme.

"I said I need you to be my boyfriend," Jimin repeats.

Okay, so my hearing is definitely not playing tricks on me and Jimin did in fact utter those seven special words I never thought he would direct towards me. If only they were real.

A guy can dream, right?

I cock my head to one side and look at him, "Are you coming out to me right now or am I missing something?"

I question as Jimin unfastens the lid from his water bottle and gulps down the liquid, my eyes lingering on his bobbing Adam's apple.

Man, I would love to lick and suck that throat.

Jimin coming out to me right now would probably explain certain things I've noticed about him over the years.

Things I would never repeat to him and things he tries his hardest to suppress, but that's a conversation for another time. A time way, way in the future.

Or never...

Today is all about determining if my best friend's brain has short-circuited, making him lose his fucking mind.

Jimin splutters and scoffs on the water he's drinking, choking for dear life as he sprays the H20 all over my face like he's a whale in the ocean, evacuating water from its blow hole.


Now I'm thinking about blowing and holes and those are never good things to think about when you are standing in front of the sexiest specimen of a human man to grace our not-so-wonderful planet.

I might be objective and slightly biased because he's my best friend, but he really is breath-taking and the best-looking male I've ever known.

With his glacial blue eyes, chestnut and chocolate brown hair and a jaw line that makes me want to lick, suck and nibble on it like it's a never-ending popsicle.

Shit, now I'm hard.

Which I should be used to by now considering being hard around jimin is a permanent state for me nowadays.

In fact, it's been a constant problem since I got to the age of sporting a chub left, right and centre.

I lean forward and bang my palm against Jimin's back as he starts to regain control of his breathing, no longer sounding like someone who smokes fifty ciggy cigs a day.

"You alright there, buddy?" I ask, my hand lingering on Jimin's back much longer than necessary.

Don't judge me okay.

When the opportunity arises to touch him, I'm not going to let that golden ticket slip through my hands.

I'm going to hold on for dear life and pray it never has to end.

Jimin runs his hand over his throat a few times as if he's checking to see if a magic hole has somehow appeared from his crazy five second coughing fit.

His body almost sagging in relief as he notices he's all fine and dandy with no newly formed crevices on his irritatingly tanned skin.

"I can't believe you said that."

I frown, "Said what?"

He scoffs, "That I'm coming out to you."

I purse my lips, "Is this not that then?" I question and he shakes his head.


"So, can you please enlighten me why I need to be your fake boyfriend becos unless you're suddenly queer, which we've established isn't the case, I need some details about your random outburst."

I'm supposed to be the one in this friendship that says the first thing that pops into my head without considering what the consequences might be.

And oh boy, has there been some exciting consequences.

The running of my mouth has gotten me into so many pickles, I'm surprised I'm still alive and standing to tell the tale.

Being openly gay, the football team's wide receiver and running my mouth like an Olympic sprinter whenever I see fit is an interesting combination.

A combination of the students from the surrounding towns, along with our very own Red kids, can't seem to understand.

Or tolerate for the most part.

I wish I could say being one of the most popular guys in school eliminates the amount of homophobic slurs directed towards me, but really, this is high school and we live in a relatively small town along with the closed mindsets of small towners.

Luckily, I have thick skin and don't let what the fuckers say get to me.

At least not anymore.


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