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Jimin pov

"Good evening ladies, gentlemen and friends...." My mother says with a big smile on her very plastic and heavily made up face as she stands on the podium that has been erected on the stage, she insisted on having.

"I would like to thank you for coming here tonight to celebrate to recent coming out of my son."

My friends in the crowd holler and cheer and I nearly double over with laughter as I watch my mother try and control the scowl breaking out on her face because she's been interrupted by adolescent delinquents even though a lot of my friends are eighteen and are adults.

"I am sure a lot of you would agree with me how strong and brave jimin is for discovering who he is as a person and feeling safe and comfortable enough to come out to us as parents and out to the rest of the world."

The crowd continue to cheer and applaud as my mother continues to spiel out shit about the importance of love is love, the importance of inclusivity and that Park Enterprises will be donating an extortionate sum of money to the local LGBTQ centre.

At least something good can come from this farce.

"Some of you may know this already but I am happy to announce that my lovely Jimin is here tonight with his boyfriend Jeon Jungkook,"

my mom looks out into the crowd and holds a hand over her eyes as she searches for the man of the hour.

"There he is," she points out as the spotlight turns and lights up my favourite person and I nearly swallow my tongue and jizz in my pants simultaneously.

Fuck. Me.

Jeon Jungkook in a suit is dangerous.

" Jungkook as always been a part of our family and my husband and I have always had a close relationship with Mr and Mrs Jeon and we all agree that this joining of our families has been a long time coming,"

she picks up a champagne glass filled with fizz and miraculously everyone around the room, including myself, somehow have their own toasting glass in their hands.

"I would like to toast Jimin and Jungkook and celebrate their becoming of one and their love,"

my mother says softly with a small smile and I curse myself at longing I feel at her words.

"I am proud my son has found the man of his dreams, even if it has taken him a good few years to notice that the man of his dreams has been there right in front of him this whole time,"

she pauses for effect, "To Jimin and Jungkook,"

she shouts into the microphone and the same sentiment is murmured over and over around the room as everyone raises their glasses and gulps down the drinks.

I down the glass of champagne and put the empty drink on one of the silver serving trays to the side of me.

I know that what she's said is only for show and to talk up myself and Jungkook and the binding of our two families.

but I can't help but hold onto some of the words she spoke.

Words I think I've known my whole life.

I am proud my son has found the man of his dreams, even if it has taken him a good few years to notice that the man has been there right in front of him this whole time.

Jungkook has been right in front of me my whole life.

I just wish I realised this a long time ago.

Maybe then I would have had my happy ending with the one.

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