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Jungkook pov

It's not like I experience homophobia often, but it is ever present, and I am the receiving end of hatred comments more often than one should be because they like guys.

But like I said, I'm hard as nails... and hard in other places right now.

Jimin looks from side to side, almost comically –Charlie Chaplin eat your heart out.

My bestie is coming for your silent movie hero trophy as he scopes the hallway to make sure nobody is listening in on our conversation.

"So, I may or may not have told my parents that we are dating."

I raise my eyebrow, "Okay..." I pause.

"And can you maybe tell my why you told your parents that we are dating?"

Not that I'm objecting or anything.

He bites his bottom lip, and my eyes latch onto the movement, like a lion hunting its prey as I imagine what it would be like to be on the receiving end of that bite.

"Well," he says with a sigh.

"They were trying to set me up with the daughter of one of dad's business associates and I just couldn't handle the idea of another arranged relationship, so I blurted out at our kitchen table that I'm not into girls."

"Huh... just like that?"

He nods, "Yes."

Jimin has been forced to go on many dates before at the request of his parents, so I don't know why he's suddenly jumped off the straight band wagon and into another sexuality cart to get out of dodge.

I frown, "You know...." I pause as I tap my fingers on my chin as I contemplate what to say next.

"It takes queer people sometimes decades or even never to admit that they're not heterosexual and you just went and blurted it out like it was as easy as brushing your teeth in the morning."

"Is that a bad thing?" he questions.

"I mean, not necessarily. But, it kind of  takes away how difficult it can be for us when straighties like yourself are running around town announcing you're queer so Mommy and Daddy can't set you up with a future wife."

Jimin has never been against me being gay.

In fact, he was the one who outed me to myself when we were twelve years old.

Weird right? How did he notice that I was into guys before I was?

He thought I should know that it's okay that I liked boys and somehow from that day, everything in my life seemed to click into place.

I am still yet to understand how he knew I liked boys before I liked boys, and I still haven't got around to asking him how he worked it out.

"So, you won't do it then?" Jimin asks clearly missing the point of it not being a good thing that someone who's straight, pretending to be gay.

I turn the combination of my locker and open it up, pulling out my books for the first two periods of the school day.

I close the locker door back up and hold the books close to my chest before I turn my attention back to my best friend and apparently soon to be fake boyfriend.

"Why didn't you just tell them you don't want to date some debutant? Or why didn't you just agree to the date?"

I pause and scratch my head with my free hand, "Isn't agreeing to one date much easier than prancing about the place pretending to be into guys when you've spent your whole high school career tasting the delicacies of the pussy population?"

he doubles over and laughs, "Did you really just say 'pussy population'"?

I raise my eyebrows at him, "Can't a gay guy say the word pussy?"

He scoffs and just shakes his head as he unlocks his locker and grabs the books, he also needs for the first few classes of the day.

He turns back to face me with a sigh as he slumps against his closed locker.

"You know what my parents are like, Bae."

Oh, I do. I really, really do.

"They care about me sure, but they care more about the business deals and making more money. So, they're going to do ything and everything they can to get me to date my father's business associates daughter."

"They've tried it before, and they are going to continue trying it until I start behaving like a good little boy and settle down with an acceptable girl of society."

The first bell rings loudly around us, notifying the students body that it's time to get our asses to first period.

I can't believe he's dragging me into this shit, and I can't believe I'm going to actually go along with it.

Of course, I'm going to go along with it. I would give jimin a kidney if he asked.

I know what his parents are like, I've known them my whole damn life.

They're egotistical, money obsessed maniacs and only care about their standing in society and the number of zeros they have in their bank accounts.

And it's with a fiery passion that I hate that Jimin has to endure and live with that kind of lifestyle when he's pretty much the opposite of his parents.

What I don't get is that why he lets them dictate his life and control who he should and should not date.

He's just turned eighteen for crying out loud, he should be able to do what ever the fuck he wants without his parents shoving their beaks into his business.

"How did your parents respond when you said you're dating me?" I question as we walk towards English, my favourite subject.

I turn my head and look up at Jimin who has a few inches on me which basically makes him the big friendly giant because I'm already six foot and not exactly miniature and he still manages to tower over me.

Which of course I love.

A smile breaks out on his face, "Your dad is a psychiatrist and your mom's an architect... how do you think they responded?"

With money bags in their eyes.

"With so much happiness and glee that they tinkled a little on the Egyptian carpet which resulted in the house staff having to do a full cleaning detox of the room, resulting in every one needing to wear hazardous suits for two to five business days?"

Jimin bursts out laughing, and I do the same as it's pretty much impossible for me to keep a straight face whenever Jimin is laughing.

He shoves me gently with his shoulder and the slight brush of his skin against my body, sends a ping of electricity straight down to my toes.

It's a good thing my shoes have rubber on them and that I'm grounded, becos I dread to think how my body would react from the smallest of touches from him.

"They have money and status in society. So, even though they weren't best pleased that you're not a debutant, that sadness quickly passed that they are now planning..."

Jimin firmly shuts his mouth and busies himself with inspecting the front covers of the books he's holding like they're exquisite renaissance art in the Louvre.

I stop walking and wrap my fingers around his bicep to stop him from moving, my fingers tingling with joy as they come into direct contact with bare skin.

"Jimin..." I say as he avoids my gaze.

"What the fuck are you not telling me?" I practically growl.


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