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Jungkook pov

I slide into the booth at the Diner and pick up the menu and scan through it as I wait for jimin to turn up.

A few seconds pass as I peruse the menu, even though I know it like the back of my hand, when I hear the bell above the door dingle.

I turn around and my breath hitches as I'm greeted with the dropping smile of my best friend strutting towards me like he's walking down the runway.

My eyes rake down his body as I take in the bandana that always drives me wild, the fitted red t-shirt he's wearing with the logo printed on the front of it which clings to his body like a second skin.

His tightly fitted, ripped skinny jeans that show off his amazingly sculpted thighs that I would love to feel wrapped around me, finishing off with his favourite red converse shoes.

Man, he looks so fucking good.

"What's up buttercup," Jimin says as he slides into the booth, taking the seat opposite me.

I groan at the annoying nickname that he continues to call me despite how many times I've protested and argued for him to stop.

"I really wish you would stop calling me that stupid fucking name,"

I say as I sliding a menu across to Jimin, our knuckles brushing against one another as he takes it from me.

Our eyes connect and Jimin bites on his bottom lip as I quickly pull my hand back and go back to inspecting the menu that I've read five hundred times already.

I wish my body didn't respond to his touch so much.

It's not normal, the things I feel with the slightest or softest of touches from Jimin.

And weirdly enough, I only ever feel like there's electric currents surging throughout my body when I touch him or him me.

It's never happened with any other guy and I can't really explain that.

I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that I'm stupidly in love with him and he's always been the one I wanted, but I should still feel some thing when I'm with another guy.

"I am never going to stop calling you buttercup,"

Jimin says closing the menu and placing it on the table in front of him.

"It's my favourite thing to call you."

I roll my eyes and go to say something back before a waitress skates her way towards us.

"What can I get you?"

the petite blonde says as she places one hand on curvaceous hip and stares at Jimin with hungry eyes.

I know what she wants for her order.

A six foot four, brown haired, blue eyed quarterback.

"Well hello there,"

Jimin drawls as he looks up at the gorgeous blonde with tanned skin, thick eye lashes and bright green eyes.

"You have gorgeous eyes and hair ," he says with a wink and her skin pinkens ever so slightly.

"Green doe eyes and blonde hair are my absolute favorite ,"

he admits as his eyes glance over at me for a second before they latch back onto the pretty girl taking our order.

I wonder if he knows that I have green eyes doe and blonde hair.

Probably not, because I don't have tits and a pussy, plus he doesn't want to get into my pants

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