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Jungkook pov

Instead of letting him squirm some more I throw him a lifeline.

"I would assume it's all good, babe," I say towards Jimin and he smiles.

"You know the food is always good at any of Tae's parent's restaurants. They are magicians when it comes to food."

Jimin cocks his head but smirks as he nods his head and hobi taps his knuckles on my knee under the table in thanks and I bump my shoulder into him, and he smiles.

I look over to Tae and Jimin and for some reason they both have a scowl on their faces.


After a few minutes discussing what to get, Tae calls the waiter back over and we all order our dishes.

I decide to go for the Puttanesca, Tae and Jimin both go for the Lasagne with homemade tomato flatbread and hobi opts for Creamy Tuscan Chicken.

"So, you guys ready for the game on Wednesday?" Tae asks as he sits back in his seat.

Jimin practically jumps out of his seat with excitement and I roll my eyes.

He's like a dog with a bone whenever we talk about football. It's endearing how excited he gets over the sport.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love football but nobody at this table or our school loves it more than Jimin.

"Man I am so pumped for it," he says as he takes a sip of his water and a droplet hangs on his lip and it takes everything in my power not to climb across the table and wipe it off with my tongue.

"I think we have a good chance at beating Crest this time around."

Hobi nods, "I think you're right there, we've upped our standard since the last time we played them."

We spend the remainder of our times waiting for our main courses to turn up talking about our impending football game, discussing possible plays that we could bring up with coach that we think might broaden our chances at winning even further.

As our food arrives, each of our stomach's rumble in a hilarious harmony as our senses are consumed with the delicious aromas of our food.

We all fall into a comfortable silence as we dig into our meals, moans of satisfaction filling the silence whenever each of us take a bite.

Jimin offers me a few bites of his meal and I do the same to him.

This is something we've always done.

We always choose to order different meals, so we can do this exact thing.

I couldn't even tell you when we decided to actually do this, but it's something that has stuck, clearly.

Sometime during the main course and waiting for dessert, my hand ended up flat and open on the table.

With Jimin putting his open palm on mine sending a whirlwind of emotions straight to my poor,unfortunate heart.

We intertwine our fingers and my legs feel all wobbly and jelly like that it's a damn good thing that I'm sat down.

"You guys are sickly cute, it's not even funny," Tae says as he narrows his eyes at our hands, and I swear I see jealousy flash in his eyes at our touch.

I wish he was comfortable enough to come out to us.

I can't believe Jimin is willingly touching me.

I can't believe his hand is on mine.

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