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Jimin pov

"Not here," he says as I look around the room noticing several students leaning in our direction so they can listen into what we are discussing.

"There's too many people here who want to know the ins and outs about everything relating to us," he says jungkook starts to stuff his paper into his backpack along with his notebook and pencil case.

"We'll go to the bleachers at lunch and talk there."

I nod my head, in agreement with him as he's definitely got a point.

I want to hear about what's troubling him and what's on his mind, but I don't fancy the whole physics class getting a front row seat to our personal conversation, as let's be honest, they would love that.

Hell, I'd be surprised if they didn't grab some popcorn from their bags and livestream the conversation so the whole school got get a piece of the action.

When will this school get over him and I being a couple?

I look down at my watch and count down the seconds until the bell rings, signalling the end of class.

Luckily for me, I had an appointment before this class with the school counsellor, so I only had to endure a few minutes of watching something eat jungkook up inside.

If I was here for the whole class, I wouldn't have been able to have coped and I would have made him tell me whatever was on his mind, nosy and prying audience or not.

The lunch bell finally rings, and Mr. Jami dismisses us with a wave of his hand and a reminder to study for another test as well as reminding Jungkook that he wants to talk to him for a few minutes.

"Do you want me to wait in here or outside?" I ask Jungkook as I sling my backpack over my left shoulder.

He shakes his head, "Go and get a sub sandwich and drink for us and I'll meet you down at the bleachers,"

He says with a meek smile and I give him a small squeeze on the shoulder, before turning on my heels and heading for the school cafeteria.

The lunch queue moves quickly and for that I am forever grateful as I am fucking starving.

I manage to grab two turkey salad subs, some salt and vinegar chips, two fruit pots, a few candy bars and two sodas for us.

Slamming my cash down next to the cash register and throwing a wink at the lunch lady, not even waiting for the change before making my way down to the bleaches.

I round the corner and an uncontrollable smile takes over my face as my eyes lock onto Jungkook's honey blonde head as he starts climbing the steps of the bleachers and making his way to the top.

He said the top seats are his favourite as it gives him a good overview of the whole school.

He doesn't realise that I know his secret that it makes him feel on top of the world.

Something he's always been fascinated with since we were kidlets.

"Sup, buttercup," I call out as I start climbing the steps, two at a time, to reach him at the top of the bleachers.

"I come baring sustenance."

He turns around as his ass slowly falls down onto the seat and he throws a gorgeous smile my way that continues to make me all warm and fuzzy.

I should really think about seeing a doctor or something because these sensations in my body are definitely not normal.

Maybe I'm coming down with something?

"Christ, Jiminie." Jungkook says with a laugh as his eyes widen.

"Did you buy out the whole food court?" he says as I place our feast of food on the empty space between us.

I've opted for the seat just below him as I like to look up at him which is a complete role reversal as he's usually the one looking up at me whenever we are standing.

Which I secretly love, but will never admit it to anyone.

I shrug as I open the soda can and take a big swig of the Fanta grape soda, "I was hungry, what do you expect? I am a growing boy after all."

He laughs and playfully punches my shoulder as he unwraps his turkey sub and groans as he takes his first bite.

A sound that sends a surge of blood to my cock.

"This is so good," he moans around the bite.

"I love the taste of this in my mouth."

I scoff, "I bet it's not the only taste you love in your mouth," I shoot back, the words leaving my mouth without giving them a second of thought.

I have no idea where that came from.

His mouth drops and he shakes with laughter before he continues his daylight, and teetering on the edge of pornographic, consummation of his turkey sub, making my body feel all kinds of weird sensations.

Holy shit, what the fuck?

Since when does my cock twitch at the sound of my best friend groaning?

I guess it's happened a few times in the past, but I've just put that shit down to hormones and me really being into fucking.

"So, are you going to finally talk to me about what's on your mind as I am struggling to think about anything else right now?"

And I'm trying so desperately not to think about my stiffening cock in my jeans.

All it's done recently is pop up and get hard at the most inconvenient of time I thought I grew out of the stages of popping a chub randomly.

He sighs as he finishes chewing his bite, "I've been trying to bring it up to you for a few days but you've been distracting me and changing the subject,"

he pauses as he opens his can and takes a small sip before setting it down gently next to him.

"I don't know if you've been doing it on purpose, but it's getting on my last nerve now."

Well don't I feel like a complete shit bag.

He's been trying to talk to me for days, but instead of letting him tell me about it, I've not given his feelings a second glance and pushed them to one side instead.

"Bae, I'm sorry. I've not been doing it on purpose."

At least I don't think I have.

This all depends on what he wants to talk about.

"Can you tell me what's eating you up?

"Our kiss."

Yep... Okay.

Definitely been avoiding talking about that kiss.

I guess I wasn't being that discreet at directing our conversations elsewhere when I could practically see the words falling from his mouth whenever I looked at him.

He does not have a good poker face, so it was so fucking obvious.

I should have guessed that it was the kiss that contributed to him failing the test in Science.

But I was being selfish and thinking about myself and what the kiss meant to me instead of worrying about what the kiss might have meant to him.

Did he enjoy it has much as me?

Does he want to do it again just like me?

Did it make him feel things at the pit of his stomach?

Did it make him feel whole?


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