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Jungkook pov

My fucking head is still hurting from the weekend.

I don't know why Jimin and I agreed with Taehyung to have a bender the whole weekend.

Tae has burnt us in the past with his crazy antics, so shame on me for agreeing to go along with them when I knew I would be in a sorry state come Monday.

And to make matters worse, our Coach is currently trying to kill us.

I'm not even being dramatic right now, he is committing daylight homicide and in the next few minutes there's going to be a lot of large seventeen and eighteen year olds dropping to the floor, one by one, as our bodies hit that point of no return.

I can picture the headlines now:High school football coach murders football team while forcing them to do excessive amounts of exercise after they got shitfaced.

"Get those knees up nice and high you lot," Coach yells as he leans against the bleachers with his Red baseball cap low on his face and a stop watch in his hand.

"I want you to be feeling the burn tomorrow."

I'm definitely going to be feeling the fucking burn tomorrow and not in the way I'm used to, nor the way I enjoy.

I lift my knees high as I race up and down the steps of the bleachers, my chest burning and my knees cringing with every step I take.

"Is he trying to kill us?"

I wheeze out to nobody in particular as I reach the bottom of the bleachers, turn my body and head up the stairway to hell.

Has stair climbing always been this difficult or am I still a hungover mess?

I look over to Jimin and he is the biggest shit eating grin on his face as he glides up and down the bleachers with ease.

not even phased by our or at least mine imminent death.

"Come on Bae." he grins.

"I know you can move that
body faster than that."

he winks, pats me on the
back and races ahead of me.

I salute him with a double
middle finger and continue my ascent then descent, my
knees and ankles cracking
under the pressure.

"Okay guys." Coach Jih yells
out after he blows his whistle.

"That is enough running for today."

"There's a God after all,"

I shout out and collapse onto
the grass, sweat dripping down my forehead, back and every other part of my body
where sweat can form.

"Tae, I am going to fucking kill you and your stupid idea to
have a weekend bender."

Tae laughs hysterically as he grabs a water bottle, unfastens
it and downs the liquid before dropping down onto the grass next to me with a shit eating
grin on his face.

"I'm preparing you for college man." he says triumphantly.

"You are going to thank me in the long run."

I groan and catch the water bottle that Jimin has just
tossed towards me as he tips
the water over his head and shakes his hair out like he's in some kind of erotic shampoo commercial.

"I refuse to thank you for anything." I scoff as I down
the much needed H20.

"I don't even know why I'm blaming you."

I pause as I drink some more water and stand up and stretch my arms above my head.

"I knew we had practice today so I should have taken it
easy over the weekend."

Jimin laughs.

"Since when do you take it
easy when there's alcohol involved?"

he enquires with a teasing smirk on his face.

"You love to let your hair
down and get absolutely shit faced when the occasion
arises." he points out.

I roll my eyes.

"Yes." I admit.

"But I always get shitfaced sensibly."

if getting as drunk as a skunk counts as being sensible in
the first place.

I throw my empty water bottle
at Jimin and he dodges it
with ease and winks at me.

"Where did you two disappear
to at the party anyway?" hobi asks as he rips his dripping
wet t-shirt off and tosses it on the ground as Tae tracks him
like a sniper about to take out
its target in a war.

Jimin cocks his head to one

"What do you mean?" he asks.

Hobi looks at me and I shrug
and he frowns.

"I'm pretty sure I saw you
both rushing towards another room after I saw you down
a stupid amount of shots."

Jimin scratches his neck and frowns as he lets hobi's
words sink in.

"I guess we were just going somewhere to talk or heading home." he says softly.

"I genuinely have no idea
what happened after we
danced and ordered a few
drinks from the bar."

He turns to face me and
points his finger at me.

"You don't remember any
thing right?" he points out.

"You said you don't
remember how we got
home either didn't you?"

I rake a hand through my
hair and sigh as I glance at
Tae and Hobi who are looking
at me with confused
expressions on their faces.

"Yeah." I lie.

"I don't remember a thing."

I wish he remembered some
thing happening between me
and him at the party.

I wish he remembers my
mouth on his cock and his
hands on me.

I wish he remembered how
good I felt to be connected.

I wish he remembered how sensational it felt to lose
our selves in one another.

I wish he remembers how I made him feel.

Instead he doesn't remember
a thing and I'm the only one suffering with the memories
of our first sexual encounter.

How could he forget some
thing so mesmerising and something so special?

What happened between us
was magical.

What happened between us
was magnetic.

How am I supposed to bring
up with Jimin that something
did happen between us at the party and that I remember everything?

How am I supposed to tell
him that he absolutely adored having my lips wrapped around his cock and him blowing his
load down my tight and wet throat?

I want to tell him.

I need to tell him.

But I'm so fucking afraid.

I'm afraid he's going to freak
out and end whatever this
thing between us is.

I can't handle that.

I would prefer to suffer in
silence over losing what we
have right now.


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