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Jimin pov

Game night is my absolute favourite.

There is no better feeling than waking up and remembering that it's game day.

The feeling of getting changed into your football gear and running out onto the field with hundreds of fans and family members in the crowd ready to cheer you on and celebrate as you get to play the game you love with teammates who make everything worth it is indescribable.

Football has always been my thing and I've loved every minute of it.

Getting my first football and football jersey as a kid was probably the best day of my life and then realising that I could actually play the sport and good at that made every game feeling like Christmas morning.

And to make the love for the game even better and add that extra sprinkle of making it even more special, I'm able to share the game with my favourite person in the whole fucking word.

Jungkook wasn't really interested in football at first and instead spent his time on the side-lines watching me play and cheering every time I scored or made a good play.

But one day he said he had enough and wanted to see what all the fuss was about and from that moment he was hooked just as much as me and well, the rest is history.

There really is nothing better than a home game as you know the whole school is going to be here celebrating and cheering you on.

The season has started off with a few bumps, but luckily, we've only lost two games so there's still a chance for us to bring it back and win the high school league, if we keep our heads in the game and our eyes on the prize.

"Okay guys," Coach jih says,

"Crest High have beat us the last two times we've played against them and I don't want them to add a third win to the score sheet,"

the guys and I all scream and chant out, pumping ourselves up.

"I want you to go out there and do your best and have fun, but I also want you to try and win. Not for me, but for you because I know how hard you work and how much you love the game."

It is really amazing how much Coach doesn't make the game about winning, but instead he makes it about us having fun as a team, doing something we love and showcasing our talents.

"Now put your hands in," we all put our hands into the circle.

"After three," Jih says as we all chant one, two, three and yell Red High at the top of our lungs as we grab our helmets and run out of the locker room, up the tunnel and onto the football field.

As we emerge from the tunnel and our feet touch the green of the field's grass, the adrenaline from the crowd in the stands flows straight through my body, sending shockwaves of excitement deep into my bones.

The roar, chants, and eruption of cheers from the crowd is better than any drug.

I don't need the high from the cocaine, the ecstasy or the weed.

All I need is the pure bliss of euphoria coursing through my blood as I spin around and take in the gleeful faces of the people in the crowd.

I don't need any illegal high to create the feeling I'm feeling right now.

I don't need an illegal high to feel like I'm flying.

All I need is my best friend, my team-mates, the crowd, and the pig-skinned football that I am currently spinning between my fingers.

The energy in the air was palpable and full on electric.

The Red High School Cheerleaders took their positions and showcased off their intricate and talented dance skills and exquisite gymnastic routines as their shook their asses, bodies and pompoms which pumped up the guys and the crowd even more.

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