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Jimin pov

"What do you mean you and him are fake dating?"

I pull my body up, my triceps burning as I hover my head over the pull up bar before doing a few more reps and dropping down onto the floor, my feet hitting the ground with an almighty thud.

"Just like it sounds," I say to Tae as I grab the white cotton towel resting on the weight bench and wipe the soft material across my sweaty forehead.

Tae stretches his arms above his head and looks at me with confusion in his eyes.

"And can you explain to me why you and Kook decided to fake date in the first place because it sure as hell looks to me like there's something real going on between the both of you."

Isn't that the truth.

Does that mean what Jungkook and I have is real if other people think it's real?

I've had plenty of sexual encounters and I've been on plenty of dates since I started high school, but nothing comes close or even compares to what I feel whenever I'm with Jungkook.

I've always known that when we became friends that things felt different between us and I can't quite put my finger on what's exactly different.

But being with Jungkook has always made me happier, lighter, more content.

Being with Jungkook is the light at the end of the tunnel, the rainbow after the rainstorm, the first glass of water after being lost in a desert.

And now that we've thrown some sexual encounters into the mix..

well damn, that has thrown me for a loop.

I never knew something could feel so amazing.

I never knew I could feel this way about someone and with someone.

I never realised what I was missing.

Everything has clicked into place since Jungkook and I have started taking things to the next level.

I finish wiping my head and nape with the towel and then wrap the damp material around my neck as I place a backwards baseball cap on my head.

"My mom wanted to me to date some prissy bitch debutant, so I blurted out that I was gay as I couldn't handle the idea of being another business transaction for my parents," I say to Tae as he hangs onto my every word.

"And obviously Jungkook being Jungkook agreed to it and we thought it wouldn't be hard as we are always together,"

Tae nods his head in agreement, "But then," I pause and sigh, rubbing a hand over the nape of my neck.

"Things started to get heated between us and I'm telling you man, I've never experienced something like this."

"When I am with him, I just feel whole, I feel like I am exactly where I need to be."

Tae nods his head, "So let me get this straight," he pauses and I prompt for him to continue.

"You didn't want to date a girl so you said you were dating your best friend which resulted in you guys actually doing things and now you are actually in love with him."


"You're in love with Kook?" he questions.

I whip my head back around to face him, "What did you say?"

Tae chuckles, "You just said you were in love with him without even thinking it man," he says as he whacks his hand against my back.

"There's no fucking denying it. I see the way you look at him and the way he looks at you."

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