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Jungkook pov

I trudge through the mass and constant stream of the student body who have congregated together in their friendship groups as they whisper and direct their sorrowful and pitiful stares towards me and my shattered fucking heart.

I walk with my head down, my arms wrapped around my chest.

my backpack hanging on my back as the pitter patter of the rain drops fall to the ground around me.

soaking me straight through to my ice cold skin as the heavens continue to open up and reign hell down onto my already shitty life.

The dark green grass is damp below my feet,and every footstep I take kicks up more and more mud.

leaving an imprint of my empty body and soul as I head towards the back of the school and to the other side of the football field to my own special place.

The only place I can find peace and quiet and my own sanctuary away from the prying stares and endless questions about why my best friend and boyfriend decided to cheat on me with another guy where other people could see.

My red converse continued to get covered in mud as I headed towards my special spot.

As I made it to my favourite Oak Tree, I grabbed a blanket from my backpacked and tossed it on the ground before slumping my ass down onto it.

I rested my back against the thick, dark brown trunk of the tree and thanked the lord that the overhang of the leaves protected me from the lashing of rain drops continuing to pummel against the earth in front of me.

I reached over and grabbed My Novel from my backpack and thumbed through the pages of my very worn book as I found where I left off last night.

Reading is the only thing that is keeping me sane at the moment.

If I didn't read, I would start to think about things and if I started to think about things, I don't think I would appreciate where my mind would take me.

I need the distraction of some thing that isn't my fucked-up life.

I needed something, anything  to distract me from thinking about blue eyes and cheek bones that go on for days.

Time passes by in a blink of an eye as I read page after page after page of masterpiece.

A noise in the distance drags my attention away from the ink on the page and my head whips up, my neck cracking in the process as my eyes lock onto a few of the guys from the football team.

Why are they here?

I tried to look away.

I tried to refocus back on the book in my hand, but I couldn't.

My body was motionless, and my mind occupied on the one person who I want to see more than anyone else in the world.

His blue gaze looks at me intently and my body heats up as he watches me.

Why did he do it?

Why the fuck did Jimin have to go and kiss Tae?

I've been trying to wrap my head around the whole debacle since Jelena went and sent the photo around the whole school and probably the neighbouring high schools as well.

I know Jimin said there was an explanation for the picture, and I wanted to believe him.

Hell, I think I do believe him.

But it was all so real at the time and it felt like my heart was being shredded into a thousand pieces and lit on fire every time I looked at it.

And oh boy, haven't I looked at it.

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