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Jimin pov

The rest of the school day passes by in a blur and to say I'm exhausted would be the biggest understatement of the fucking century.

I'm both physically and mentally drained and I wish I could say that the cause of my exhaustion was a typical school day of hard and challenging classes, but today that has not been the case.

I've spent the whole day fighting off crowds of people swarming me when ever there was an opening, asking me five hundred and one questions about me and Jungkook, when I realised that I was gay and if I would prefer to date someone better for me than him.

I couldn't help but scoff whenever another guy said to me that I would have a better time getting my cock wet with them.

The guys who approached me were good looking, sure, I'm not one to say otherwise, since I think everyone is attractive in their own way.

But they must be off their rocker if they think anyone would be better than jungkook.

I quickly tore them a new one and took them down a notch whenever they tried to talk smack about my best friend now fake boyfriend and they quickly realised they were in the wrong and changed their tune.

Apart from being swarmed like some kind of celebrity with leeching paparazzi stalking me around the school, it has actually been quite liberating.

I've had hardly any girls flirt with me and the girls that have spoken to me – and to say there's been a lot would be another understatement of the century have voiced how happy they are for Jungkook and I.

With everyone expressing this happiness, more and more people continued to say they always knew we were more than friends and us getting together romantically was inevitable.

Maybe Jungkook wasn't the only one who thought we were basically dating without the romantic connection.

Everyone seemed to think the exact thing except oblivious, little ol' me.

I would be lying if I didn't say I wanted the people to elaborate further on what they meant by that.

but I thought that would set alarm bells ringing and for this arrangement to work.

I need to show that I'm completely smitten by one Jeon Jungkook which to be honest, isn't remotely difficult, because I already love the guy.

Like a friend, though.

I look down at my watch as I head towards the locker room for football practice, pushing the door open and sighing as the cool, air conditioned locker room coats my bare arms in goose bumps from the hit of cool air.

The door slams behind me and the whole locker room falls silent with every pair of eyes falling on me as I still, frozen on the spot by the locker room entrance.

"Gentlemen," I say as I look at the rest of the football team staring at me like I'm some kind of mythical, extinct creature.

They all look from me and move their eyes over to Jungkook who is standing shirtless, his one foot wrapped around the other as he leans against the lockers, watching the scene unfold.

"Maybe take a picture as I'm sure it would last longer."

I drawl and the guys roar into laughter as their eyes fall back on me.

I send Jungkook a quick wink and he goes back to getting changed into his practice gear as my other best friend's Tae and hobi slink over to me with shit eating grins on their faces and I prepare myself to be ripped a new one.

"Well I'll be damned," Tae says,

"Who knew our captain liked a bat to go with his balls." He rasps and I shake my head.

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