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Jimin pov

"What are you reading?" I ask my best friend who is leaning against his locker with his nose literally buried in a book.

his eyes flying from side to side at one hundred miles per second as he takes in the words on the white page in front of him.

Not at all phased or an ounce interested in the cat fight going on across the corridor.

Neither am I if I'm being honest.

There's only one person I'm phased by nowadays and that's the high school varsity wide receiver with his nose in a book, who happens to be my best friend and fake boyfriend.

Who said a jock couldn't be a bookworm because my buttercup is exactly that, a bookworm to rival that of all bookworm.

He has the bag, the badge and the t-shirt confirming his bookworm status.

He also has a bookstagrammer Instagram page and everything.

I couldn't even tell you how many times our movie or games nights have been interrupted by Jungkook erecting the perfect background and aesthetic pleasing setting.

So he can take a picture of the book he's just read to put on his Instagram page and review it for his masses of followers and my boy as a lot of them.

He glances up at me and then back down at the book he's gripping tightly in his hands as if he's protecting it with his dear life scared that someone is going to pull it from his grasp.

"I'm reading Sherlock Holmes," he says, placing the bookmark into his book so he can pick it back up later, before sliding the book gently into his backpack.

"Haven't you read those books before?"

He laughs, "Like a thousand times," he admits.

"So why keep reading the same thing over and over?"

He shrugs, "Some books I just like to read over and over, it just makes me happy. I can't explain it, but it almost settles me in a way."

I nod my head, "I get that," I say as I pull him into my side.

"I definitely get that."

The bell for home room rings out, and the students who were just congregating in the hallway skedaddle, quickly rushing to their homeroom class so they don't get a tardy mark and end up in detention.

Jungkook goes to move but I wrap my fingers around his wrist and pull him close to me, his breath hitching as he completely stops in his tracks.

He turns his body to face me and I'm not clueless to say that I'm well aware that my fingers are still wrapped around his wrist with no intention of letting go any time.

Touching him has suddenly become a new hobby of mine.

"So..." I say, "I was thinking."

He looks at me, scepticism written all over his face.

"Well those are some dangerous famous last words that have gotten us into a lot of trouble in the past," he says with a small chuckle.

"Didn't you know that my middle name is trouble?" I say with a wink and he just shakes his head at me.

"Jiminie," he whines as he looks around at the hallway that is gradually getting emptier and emptier.

"Are you going to tell me what you were thinking about because I really don't want to be late."

Oh, right yeah. "So, I was thinking—,"

"Yes," he interrupts, "I already know you've been thinking, just get to the punch line already."

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