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Jungkook pov

"Oh my goodness, Son," my Mom squeals as she dramatically fans her face with two hands.

"I've never seen something so romantic in my whole life... I mean except in the movies and that shit isn't real." I groan as I flop onto the leather bar stool in the kitchen.

my muscles aching in a good way from the game as my Dad rifles through the take out menu draw in search of the leaflet for our favourite takeaway even though we already know what we are going to order because we order the same food every single time and have been doing so for the last three years.

"It was just a kiss Mom, it's really not a big deal." I lie.

And lying would be a huge and colossal understatement.

That kiss... fuck, that kiss was the biggest deal in my whole fucking life.

It was mind-blowing and explosive, and it felt like I was catapulting through their air at one hundred miles per second like a rocket ascending into space.

I never thought I would live to see the day where I experienced a kiss like that.

I felt like I was on top of the world and that I was going to explode into an array of different colours life a firework on the Fourth of July.

Park Jimin kissed me.

My straight best friend kissed me.

Jimin kissed me and it blew all expectations, dreams, and hopes out of the water.

I always dreamt about the day he kissed me and I had mustered up so many different feelings, emotions and scenarios in my head of what to expect from Park Jimin kissing me if my endless prayers to the queer gods ever went on to be answered.

And answered they fucking were.

Holy shit, that kiss.

The kiss we just shared in front of the whole school, our families, friends, teachers, and fans from Crest that kiss was volcanic, fierce and everything.

That kiss was fucking everything.

The kiss felt soft and comforting like the first droplet of rain outside of a drought.

It felt deep and heated like the epicentre of a volcano, waiting to erupt and explode high into the atmosphere, sending molten rock and lava spilling down the sides, hurdling, and causing chaos and destruction in its path.

When his lips pressed against mine, I felt like I was home.

When we joined together and become one, my body, mind and soul felt euphoric.

I felt like I was on cloud nine, floating across the bright blue sky that matches the blue of Jimin's eyes.

I felt like my soul had left my body and that I could get lost forever as I climbed further and further towards the gates of Heaven.

I felt comfort and the tantalising movements and choreographed dance of his tongue and mouth against mine kept me sane and grounded, reminding me that this wasn't a dream, that the kiss was not a fantasy.

It reminded me that the kiss was real.

It was so fucking real.

This is not fantasy; this is my reality.

And my reality is that my straight best-friend kissed me, fake or fucking not, he kissed me and I'm going to cherish this feeling forever.

My mother scoffs not very lady-like as she walks over towards the fridge, pulling it open and grabbing the glass bottle of water before she starts filling three glasses that she laid out in front of me on the kitchen counter.

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