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Jimin pov

As the bell rings to signal the end of class, I pack up my equipment, shove my chair under the desk and head for the cafeteria, saying goodbye to teach as I walk past her desk.

I push my way through the crowds of students congregating in the hallways as they push and bump into each other as they head towards the lunchroom like a starving stampede of wilder beasts who haven't eaten for years.

I manoeuvre my body through the masses of students and head towards the lunch queue as I scan around the room to see if my favourite person is here yet.

As I continue to take in the room, my heart stops and my breath hitches as my eyes land on the honey-blonde head belonging to the man who has taken ownership of my heart without either of us realising it.

As the queue slowly moves, I keep my eyes locked on him as he talks to Tae and hobi,his arms flying around the place and his face animated as he tells them something that has them all in hysterics of hyena like laughter.

A smile tugs at my lips and my chest warms up.

I finally break my trance as I get to the front of the lunch queue.

I grab and pay for my lunch and make my way over to our usual lunch table, saying hello and giving a few head nods to people as I pass them.

"What's up dickheads," I say to Tae and hobi.

"What's up handsome," I say to Jungkook as I place a kiss on the top of his head before sitting down on the seat next to him.

my lunch tray slamming on the plastic table. Tae directs a wink towards me as I sit down, and hobi lobs his crumpled-up chip packet at my head and salutes me with his middle finger.

"You seem extra happy right now," Jungkook says suspiciously as he pops a purple grape in his mouth and watches me take a bite out of my pasta.

"Right you are there baby, right you are." I say and his cheeks pinken at the endearment which warms my chest even further.

I've never called someone baby, only Bae but with him it just rolls off my tongue without me even think about it and it feels as right as saying his name.

"And is there a reason why you are so happy?"hobi questions as he rests his elbow on the table and his head in his hand.

"I've just realised some important things about myself today and everything feels like it's falling into place for the first time in forever."

For the first time in my life I feel like I've been liberated.

I feel like I've come up for air and can finally breath clearly without obstacles preventing me doing so.

For the first time in my life I know what path I'm supposed to take, where my future leads and who I want that future to include.

I can't wait to get Jungkook on his own later on and tell him all about my discovery and utter the three words and eight letters I never thought I would utter to someone in a romantic way.

let alone my best friend of over a decade.

I just pray that he feels the same or that's going to make things extremely awkward and I don't know where we will go from there.

I promised Jungkook that nothing what change as a result of this little fake-boyfriend shit.

but I don't know if my pride will be able to manage such a hard hit like jungkook telling me he doesn't feel the same way about me as I do towards him.

That would break my heart and my heart has never been broken before.

Jungkook cocks his head to one side as he watches me shovel the cheese and tomato into my mouth.

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