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Jimin pov

I pull into the mall parking lot, putting my car into park and remove the key from the ignition.

I unfasten my seatbelt and climb out of my seat and lean into my back seat in search of my jacket.

After a few seconds of searching, I find my bright red and white, Red letterman varsity jacket under a stupid amount of Science books, pulling it through the gap between the seats and put it on, rolling the sleeves up to my elbows straight away.

I throw a quick glance at Jungkook and he's watching my forearms intensely before he raises his eyes and they nearly bug from his head as I catch him checking me out.

I don't know if he's doing it to keep our charade up, or if he's genuinely checking me out.

but ever since I actively started noticing that he likes to look at me and that he said that I was hot.

I've been spending a lot more time focussing on my appearance making sure I look my best for, well... for him.

I'm sure a therapist or anyone with a brain would tell me that's because I want to please him, that I'm attracted to him and that I like how he makes me feel when he looks at me, but I just think it's a fake boyfriend wanting to look good for his man.

His man.

What the actual fuck?

I shake the thought of Jungkook being my man from my head and pull down the sun visor to give my appearance a once over, throwing myself a cheeky wink as I give myself the nod of approval.

I glance towards jungkook again and the way he's looking at me makes me smile, telling me that he also approves of how I look.

This is all for you, Jungkookie.

Wait, what?

"Let's go, buttercup," I say as Jungkook removes his seat belt from across his chest and we both hop out of the car.

I slam the door behind me, my whole body cringing at the loud bang and lock the car, shoving the keys into my back pocket as Jungkook pulls the sleeves of his Henley over his hands as his body shakes.

"It's so cold," he says as he clanks his teeth together.

I look over at him, "Did you not bring a hoody or a jacket?"

He shakes his head, "I forgot to grab it from my locker."

I frown as I round the car, stopping directly in front of him.

"Well we can't have my snicker doodle being cold, can we?"

"Pardon?" he laughs.

"You are not calling me snicker noodle, absolutely not. That is not acceptable."

I squeeze his cheeks with my fingers pinched together and his face flushes and I smile at the rosy redness already settling on his smooth skin.

"Here," I say as I pull my jacket free of my arms and place it over Jungkook's shoulders.

"Wear this, I'm still vamped up and hot from the gym."

"Besides, you know that I'm like a hot water bottle and retain heat more than the average human being."

He opens his mouth to protest, but quickly thinks better of it as he sighs in relief as he feels the warmth from my jacket.

"Thanks," he says with a soft smile as he pushes his arms through the jacket and my stomach drops and my cock twitches.

"And another thing," he says as he points at me, "There's nothing average about you, Park."

Fuck. Me.

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