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Jungkook pov

"Okay guys," Tae hollers at the top of his voice as he stands on the arm chair he's dragged to the centre of his living room.

"Listen up fuckers, we are going to lay down all the details of the camping trip so everyone knows what's happening and what you need to bring,"

he announces as he flips over a piece of paper and narrows his eyes as he reads what I assume is the agenda for the annual senior year camping trip.

Tae is holding the meeting in his house and pretty much, the whole of our senior class is here.

It's a good thing he has a big house because this would never work anywhere else.

There's people occupying every available sofa, stool, windowsill and free space on the floor and more people are spilling out in the kitchen and garden.

I hold my phone up higher in the air so I can get a better view of Tae.

I'm live streaming the speech so everyone can hear if they are in a different room and so that the people who couldn't make it can get all the information they need.

Obviously, I'm the brains behind the method.

"What's there to discuss," Jimin says as he stands up, his amazing ass blocking my phone.

"It's simple enough isn't?"

he questions as he spins around and faces the crowd of energetic seniors staring at him with red cups in their hands.

Where the fuck did the alcohol come from?

"Remember your tent, your sleeping bag, some food and alcohol. You really don't need anything else,"

Jimin says and everyone cheers, holding their plastic red cups above their heads in unison.

"And choose who you share your tent with wisely," he points out with a flirtatious grin on his face.

A few people snicker, clearly cottoning on to what Jimin is implying and Jinie catches my eyesight in my periphery as he rises from the windowsill slowly and stands up with his hands on his hips and a shit eating grin on his face.

"Can I request right here in front of everyone that I would like to tent up with Jungkook" Jinie says as he points at me and smiles and tae and Jimin move turn to face him.

"I'm literally salivating at the mouth at the idea of snuggling up to that snack," he says with a wink.


Did that fucker just call me a snack?

Jimin turns to look at me, throws me a wink and then walks over to where Jinie is stood with his hands now crossed over his chest as he tries to stand tall which is not working because the fucker is shorter than me which means he's way shorter than Jimin.

"What was that?" Jimin says and the whole room goes quiet and I swallow loudly as Tae jumps off the armchair and slithers up behind Jimin as a form of moral support.

Please don't fight, please don't fight, please don't fight.

We've got Jimin's stupid coming out party tomorrow and I don't think his mother would approve of him turning up with a massive shiner on his handsome face.

I stand up and end the live stream on my phone and shove the device into my back pocket as I walk towards where Jimin, Tae and Jinie are standing.

But a hand comes out in front of me and crashes against my chest stopping me in my path.

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