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Jimin pov

Jungkook bites on his bottom lip but quickly changes his facial expression into a scowl which basically makes him look like an angry puppy which is so fucking  adorable that I feel like I'm going to melt into a puddle of goo.

I suppose it's a good thing we are surrounded by cleaning supplies because his adorable puppy scowl is getting too much to handle and a mess is inevitable at this point.

He looks down and his eyes lock with my finger which is for some reason still pressing against his chest.

But I'm not in a rush to move it any time soon, so he can stare at it for as long as he likes, it's not going to get him out of answering my question.

"Well?" I prompt.

"Pfft," he says as he blows out a breath.

"I was just annoyed because you looked super close and some of the other guys were giving us the side eye because you are supposed to be my boyfriend and not Tae's.

"I was playing the part of a good boyfriend getting jealous when my guy was up close and personal with someone else," he admits.

"I was doing it for you to keep up this little fucking routine of yours that you're so intent on keeping going."

Hmmm.... so, he's telling me that he came across jealous because he was putting on a front for everybody else.

I suppose it's pretty convincing and a clever idea because I probably was touching Tae too much considering I'm supposed to have a boyfriend, but that was just to make hobi jealous.

But, I guess the other guys didn't know that.

Hell, Jungkook didn't even know that at the time so I'm not sure I believe him for being a quick thinker and playing the role of a jealous boyfriend so quickly and so perfectly.

Besides, his body language and facial expression radiated pure and utter jealously.

But, who am I to fight him and disagree with what he's said considering he's forgoing hooking up with anybody for the foreseeable so he can help me out with my parents.

"Good acting then, you should really consider taking up drama or some thing because you looked so jealous that you were changing colour."

He laughs and the noise sends a jolt of electricity straight to my heart.

"It's all of those Hallmark movies that I'm obsessed with."

He jokes as he takes a step back making my finger drop from his chest as he looks around the closest I've kept him hostage in.

"I was in the closet long enough when I was figuring out that I was gay..."

"So do you think we could maybe get back to the locker room right now because the cleaning fumes are going to my head and I need a shower because I feel all gross."

I roll my eyes, "I suppose it's time to let you out of the closest.... again."

He barks out a laugh as I open the door, holding it open for him because my mother always taught me to be a gentleman, regardless of who I'm holding the door open for, his body brushes against mine as he slides out and heads towards the locker room.

I wonder how long Jungkook would have stayed in the closest and hidden his sexuality if I hadn't outed him to himself.

I wonder how many other people are in the closet, hiding themselves and suppressing who they really are.

My stomach drops and my chest aches at the thought.

Why though, your guess is as good as mine.

The rest of the week goes by in an absolute blur and I would love to say that Jungkook and I are background noise in the gossip mill at School.

But unfortunately we are still the main attraction and the forefront of everyone's minds.

You would think people have nothing better to do than gossip and speculate about Jungkook and me.

Since when is it huge news that two guys are together?

I can't even tell you how many people have said they knew all along that we were hooking up or the amount of guys that I never knew were gay, bi, pan or whatever that have propositioned me for a quick fuck in the janitors closet or under the bleachers.

Don't get me wrong, I am utterly flattered that good looking guys want me to hook up with them, but how naïve are they to think that I would even hook up with them in the first place.

I know this relationship with best friend isn't real, but I would never be the type of guy to cheat on someone I'm with.

I'm a one-person kind of guy.

Yes, I've had plenty of hook ups and I've dipped my toe into the ocean one too many times with the number of girls I've slept with.

Which is a stupid number for an eighteen-year-old, but I always made it clear that it was only a hook up and nothing more.

I never strung anybody along and made sure the girls were aware that relationships were not going to happen.

To add insult to injury of being stalked around the school because of my newly announced sexuality.

my parents for some god forsaken reason sat me down and explained everything to me about gay sex and all the precautions I need to "keep myself safe."

I usually keep my mouth firmly shout when discussing things with my parents because they rarely listen to what I have to say.

So I never waste my breath, it would be a waste of oxygen on them, but this time I did argue that I have to take the exact same precautions when I was sleeping with gals even though I'm not actually sleeping with guys but they didn't seem to understand it.

So I was a good little son and appeased them and let them tell me everything about the birds and the bees. Again.

Or the birds and the birds I guess if we are being literal.

I guess the experience in itself despite how mortifying it was has opened my eyes and mind to a few things that I've been concealing and made me aware of a few questions that have always been teetering on the edge of my tongue, just waiting for me to blurt out at a moment's notice.

I would definitely be lying if I didn't admit that there's been a few occasions over the past few years that I've dabbled in some experimental research.

Admittedly, research that has led me down the rabbit hole.

Alice in Wonderland eat your fucking heart out.

I was eating a ten-course meal with the Queen of fucking Hearts after my adventures down the gay hole of wonders.

I'm a scientist after all and experiments are very important to me, so I wanted to test out some waters.

And boy, did I test out those waters.

And boy, are those waters still being tested, but that's need to know information and I'm the only one that needs to fucking know.


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