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Jimin pov

"So how the fuck are we gonna do this?" I ask him as we walk towards my car after football practice.

"Do we just play this whole thing by ear or do we need to plan what we are going to do or something?"

I never thought I would see the day that I would be discussing with my best friend how we go about being in a relationship together.

Not because he's gay and I'm straight. Oh no, it has nothing to do with that.

It has everything to do with me.

Park jimin does not do relationships.

It's not that I've never considered having a proper relationship and I have of course dated quite a few girls, but I've never committed to someone fully where we have made the relationship 'social media official'.

I definitely want a relationship some time in the future, but as cliché as it might sound, I'm actually holding out hope that the right person is out there somewhere waiting for me to get my act together and bestow upon them my underlying love.

I'm basically a walking, talking Hall mark movie because I'm waiting for The. Fucking. One.

That's something I would never admit to anyone, not even jungkook, but I do believe that I've not settled down with someone because my heart and head is so set on settling down with the right person and living happily ever after.

Fuck, now I sound like a pissing story book fairytale.

"I don't know," Jungkook says as he jumps into the passenger seat of my car, closing the door quickly behind him.

"I guess we should probably agree to some things, but then maybe go with the flow for everything else."

I nod my head in agreement as I drop down into the seat of my car and insert the key into the ignition as I turn to face Jungkook,

"I suppose we both could think of some ground rules tonight when we get home and then discuss what we come up with tomorrow." I suggest.

Jungkook nods his head as he pulls the seatbelt across his chest, "That sounds like a good idea to me. Your Mom is going to try and take control of this whole relationship and puppet us around, but we can take back some control by deciding what we do and do not do."

I sigh, leaning forward to rest my head on the steering wheel, "I should have kept my mouth shut."

"I wouldn't be putting you in this shitty situation if I didn't act like a big baby and went on the fucking date."

I could have gone on the date with Miss Jennie and it could have been wonderful, but I've had enough of going along with the dodgy schemes implemented by my parents.

I'm eighteen now, I shouldn't have to walk around on eggshells wondering which girl is going to turn up at my door expecting a date from me.

Or worse...fucking marriage.

I've had enough of being a business transaction.

I know, according to Jungkook and myself I guess, that pretending to be gay when I'm not is quite a shitty thing to do, but I'm not out here to hurt anyone.

I'm an LGBTQ + ally, I wave my rain bow flag harder than anyone I know and that's saying something, because my best friend is gay.

But I've had enough, and the words were vomiting from my mouth before I had chance to shove them back in.

Jungkook leans across the car and gently punches me in the arm, "Don't worry about it, I understand why you did it. We'll figure this out together, it'll be fine."

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