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Jimin pov

"Is it really mandatory I wear a suit, mother?"

I say through gritted teeth as her tailor stands in front of me with pins in her mouth and line after line of measuring tape hanging around her neck like a new fashion accessory.

"Besides," I grumble as the seamstress pokes and prods at me with a fabric pen.

"I have plenty of nice suits so I can't understand why I'm getting a new one."

If anything, I have too many fucking suits that any eighteen-year-old should have in the first place, so this is really a waste of fucking money.

"Son, dear. This is a brand new event and I don't want people thinking we are cheap when you turn up in something you've been photographed in before,"

she says as she huffs, "Also, you and Jungkook need to be wear matching outfits and I don't suppose he has any suits like the ones you have at home."

Absolutely right there mother.

I laugh and my body moves, which causes poker and measuring tape lady scowl at me as she drops the fabric pen she was using.

"The suits Kook have are fancy and expensive, don't you worry."

"He just doesn't feel the need to have his own designer shop of suits on standby for the perfect event."

The only reason I have a stupid number of suits in the first place is because my mom insists, I have them.

Jeon Jungkook has a total of two suits. One for funerals and one for everything else.

It's not because his parents can't afford to buy him fancy suits becos they definitely can, they're loaded just like my parents.

But he is a normal seventeen year old and doesn't need to have a whole room dedicated to Armani and Saint Laurent suits.

My mother walks over to one of the shelves as she inspects the different coloured shirts.

"I don't care if he has some at home, like I said, you and him need to have matching."

She sighs as the bell above the fancy shop door opens and the man in question walks in looking absolutely amazing in a pair of ripped cropped skinny jeans.

A black All Saints shirt, a leather jacket and a backwards baseball cap.

"Oh, kook, there you are," My mother says, her voice coming out much higher than usual as she scurries over to him and wraps her manicured fingers around his leather clad bicep.

"Get out of these clothes and put this on," she says as she practically lobs a suit at him,

"And make it snappy, we've got a lot to do today."

Jungkook chuckles, the sound warming my chest, "Good morning to you too, Mrs. Park, how lovely to see you,"

he drawls as he walks over to me and rolls his eyes as he starts to remove his jacket.

"Hey there boyfriend," he smiles and sends me a quick wink.

"Looking dapper and bloody dashing in that suit of yours."

I laugh and raise my eyebrow at him, "Have you been watching British dramas again?"

I question as he pulls his t-shirt over his head and baseball cap.

"Or have you just decided to change how you speak?"

He turns away from me as he walks over to the side to rest down his leather jacket and t-shirt and my eyes straight away zero in on the toned and tanned definition of his muscly back.

And they involuntarily drop down to ass as which sends blood rushing to my nether regions which is currently stupidly close to the seamstress's head.

I move my eyes and focus on something else as I will my aching and growing cock to stand down.

I do not want to get done for inappropriate behaviour and I don't think this lovely lady who has pins in her hands sharp pins would approve of my hard on poking her in the eye.

"I may or may not have been watching some British soaps last night, lad," he says in a mock accent and I laugh at how bad it is.

"Enough joking around, kook,"

my mother says as she snaps her dainty fingers at him, "Get your backside in that suit so Merl can get her claws on you and get that suit sitting just right,"

she looks down at her watch, "You've got thirty minutes and then we are meeting the caters, so chop chop."

"Aye, aye captain." Jungkook says with a serious look on his face as he salutes my mother.

"I will be ready at eleven hundred hours."

My mom flaps her hand  in the air as she turns back around and continues pottering with the array of different coloured shirts on the shelf.

The next thirty minutes pass and he and I somehow manage to have our suits measured and tailored as well as deciding on what shirt and shoes we will also be wearing the event.

My mother pays an extortionate amount of money, insisting on paying for his outfit as well despite him basically getting ready to body slam her to stop her paying the cashier with her card.

After a stern talking to from my mother and a quick phone call from his mother, he stood down and allowed my mother to pay for it, with only a few grumbles and curse words about rich people under his breath that only I managed to catch onto.

"Stop moaning," I say as I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him close to me.

"You knew my mother was going to insist on paying, so I don't know why you even tried to fight it."

He scoffs and rolls his eyes as his body sags against mine which makes me smile more so than I was already doing which I didn't think was possible.

"I can't burn the fucking thing now though can I because it was a gift."

He mumbles as my mother marches us down the street, her in front of us directing the way like she's a tour guide and we are the tourist following behind her like eager puppies.

I plant a kiss on his cheek and whisper in his ear, "We can still burn it, she'll never know." I say as he smirks.

"Come on you two, " my mother shouts as she waves her arms at us erratically as if we can't see her in her blood red jacket and pants to match.

"Stop kissing in the street and get in here so we can get the food sorted for your big coming out event."

He groans, "I swear I think it would be easier if she was homophobic and hated the idea of you being into guys," he says as we slowly walk towards where my mother is scowling at us.

"At least then we wouldn't have to have a stupid party where people get to celebrate your newly found queerness."

My heart twinges and my stomach drops as a result of his choice of words.

Your newly found queerness.

After everything I've felt recently and the way my body has reacted to things in the past and the way it's responding to him at the moment.

I don't think there's anything new about my evident attraction to men.

And I think it's about time I started really accepting that I might not be that straight.

And weirdly enough, I'm fucking okay with that.

So, fucking okay.

I just need to be okay and admit the truth to my best friend.

But for some reason that scares me half to death because if I say something, that makes things real and where do I stand if he doesn't have some kind of attraction towards me?


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