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Jungkook pov

"So how are things going between you and Jimin?" My Dad asks as he passes me the bowl of rice.

I grab the spoon and pour a large amount of rice onto my plate because carbs are life and put the bowl down next to me before I grab some sweet chilli sauce and pour it all over the white rice.

"Things are going well," I say with a small smile as I cut into my chicken and pop a piece in my mouth.

"Are you sure honey?" My Mom asks softly before she takes a small sip of water before placing the glass back down onto the table in front of her.

I slowly chew the piece of chicken and cock my head to one side, "Of course I'm sure." I swallow the chicken and point my fork towards my mother.

"Why?" I question.

"Is there something wrong that you're not telling me?"

My father clears his throat as he piles some rice into his mouth, clearly choosing to avoid having to answer that question.

For someone who spends his life talking and discussing people's problems and lives, he sure spends a lot of time avoiding questioning me.

My Mom sighs and places her cutlery down on her plate, "I heard you and Jimin talking the other day,"

"Okay?" I say slowly, "And what is it you supposedly heard Jimin and I talking about?"

She glances at my father who motions for her to go on and she takes a deep breath.

"I heard you guys talking about your relationship being fake... so I guessed I just had some questions about that is all."

Shit, shit, mother fucking shit.

How had she heard us talking about that?

Hell, why the fuck we were talking about that in the first place?

I frown, "I have no idea what you're on about." I say as a matter of fact.

I am definitely going to hell for lying to my parents, but I don't want them knowing about the fake agreement before I've had chance to talk to Jimin about it.

My Mom goes to open her mouth, but we are interrupted by a noise near the back door.

We all turn our attention and I smile at who I see walking through the door.

The kitchen door opens and the man of the hour strolls in with a big grin on his face.

"Evening Jeon's," he says with a bow as he walks over to the cupboard, grabs a plate from in and drops down into a chair opposite me at the kitchen.

"This smells amazing Mrs. J," he says as he starts piling his place high with food and starts tucking in without another word.

My mouth drops and I just stare at him as he continues to eat the food oblivious to the conversation I was just having with my parents.

"What?" he asks around a mouthful of rice and chicken as he looks at me, then to my parents and then back to me.

"Am I missing something?"

"Definitely some manners talking with your mouthful," I grumble out and he kicks my shin under the table.

"Hey, that hurt," I moan out as I lean down and rub my newly injured shin.

My Dad chuckles to himself and my mother just shakes her head as she watches me, and Jimin make eyes at each other.

"Hello honey," My Mom says to Jimin and he dazzles her with the smile that always makes my knees weak.

"Your timing couldn't be any more perfect if you tried."

He raises his eyebrow and looks at me and I just shrug, "So is anyone going to tell me what's going on here?" he says as he looks between my parents and then focuses his attention back to me.

I hold my hands up, "I'm not saying a thing."

"If I may," my Dad says as he clears his throat.

"We were just asking Jungkook here about your relationship and was getting him to explain why you guys are in a fake relationship before you trotted in here with that pearly white smile of yours." He says with a smirk.

Jimin's mouth practically drops to the floor and he chokes on his mouthful of rice.

I lean over and pour him a glass of water which he quickly downs.

Jimin frowns, "This thing between Jungkook and me,"

he says as he points between us, "Started off fake because I asked him to be my boyfriend so I did not have to date anymore girls and well things..."

he pauses and sighs and I nod for him to continue and he smiles at me as he reaches over and takes my hand in his.

"Then something changed I suppose," he admits and my chest warms at his words.

"What we have, I'm not sure what it is, but it means so much to me."

"So freaking much to me too," I say with a smile as he lifts my hand to his lips as he plants a kiss on it.

My father nods his head, clearly accepting the answer as he goes back to his dinner whereas my mother just stares at the two of us.

"So this is real and not fake anymore?" she questions and we both nod.

"Definitely real," I admit and Jimin smiles at me that makes my heart melt.

She slowly nods her head, "Good enough for me," she says with a smirk.

"Let's get back to eating as I have a nice crumble in the oven waiting to be devoured by you two sugar monsters."

Jimin gives me a wink and another kiss to my hand, before he gives my hand back and proceeds to eat his dinner.

Fuck. Me.

We are so lucky that it was my parents who enquired about our relationship being fake because if anyone at school caught onto that conversation.

The rumour mill would be relentless and the girls would be back in full force, queuing to get their five minutes of bliss and happiness with Red's star quarterback.

"What are you growling about?" Jimin asks with a smirk on his face.

"Huh?" I say as I shake my head.

"What did you say?"

My parents laugh and it takes everything inside of me not to tell them to fuck off.

Jimin gnaws at his bottom lip and I want to jump across the table and gnaw at it for him.

"You were sat there growling into your food." He points out and I frown.

"I was?"

My mother laughs again, and I give her evil eyes, "Oh yes, honey. You were growling at that chicken like it wronged you."

The chicken definitely didn't wrong me, but the idea of girls lining up for a piece of my boyfriend is definitely growl-worthy.

He might not realise it yet, but he's the love of my life and he's fucking mine and I'm not going to let him get away without a fight.

And if there's one good thing about me is that I fight hard for what I want.

And what I want right now is for Park Jimin to be mine forever.


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