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Hello there. This is the REWRITTEN version of the old book "As The Winged Hero".

After reaching the 16th chapter I don't know why but I hated it. Hated it to the point I don't know what to do next. So now, I'm rewriting it instead.

If you came from the old book then hello and welcome back! If you're new then once again, hello new reader.

If you don't want to cringe please don't read the first one. It's absolutely trash.

So first of all I be putting the same warnings as from before. And I'm not gonna rant too much.

So first... NO HORNY COMMENTS PLEASE. For the sake of my sanity, please avoid saying such things like "OMFG fUck me daddy 🥵🥵🤪😍" or some shit please...

Next is NOBODY MENTION SUICIDE or DON'T TELL SOMEONE TO DIE. For the love of God please don't even type for this one particular character to die please... or ANY USERS out there, no matter how rude they are. Unless they are a fucking pedophile they can go to hell.

Lastly we stan Hawks so if somebody call him ugly then please go to the shame corner instead because you look like a clown. He has your face in this fic so technically you're also insulting yourself.

Before we end, LOVE INTEREST is not entirely focused on. It won't be a side plot though, and I like to try my humor into romance shit so... why not? I know some of y'all are thirsty hoes drooling over Trafalgar or something... 👀

Welp I believe that's all. Thank you for reading.

I hope that the reboot will be of your liking. ♡

As The Winged Hero [REBOOT]Where stories live. Discover now