10 :: Kicking My Feet Well

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            ➥ WHAT WILL YOU DO NOW?


You're living the best of your life. And even if you try to stay humble, your egotistical self (who you have no idea existed in you, but all humans have their own ego, like a savior complex, God complex or whatever) can't help itself but bask on the shower of praises and looks of admiration thrown at you.

It all started in childhood.

Adults likes to clap thir hands on the tiny babies who is unaware of the world around them until later on in life, as they babbled sounds and squeaky laughters that makes the adults softly smile and laugh joyfully as well.

Spoiled rotten until they reach the age of 7, humans can adapt, but with difficulties.

It was a common knowledge, and you don't doubt that you are one of those bratty children's back then and grown up into a try hard who seeks validation and is a wreck emotionally.

You thought, why are you feeling like the world has once again failed you? Thinking and thinking about everything your mind comes up as it continued to worsen the stability of your brain, to keep insanity locked up.

It was tiring.

But despite your seemingly depressing day, at least Crowley is there for you, silently brushing your blond hair as a massage to calm your raging thoughts.

He let's you lay on his lap, seemingly understand that you are... slightly unavailable at the moment... resting while trying to fight the pessimistic thoughts.

You are not on the mood for teasing.

Your blank look scared him, no doubt. You are so full of energy yesterday, and yet here you are, seemingly tired and having your happy persona crumble and a hollow husk was left.

Crowley pitty your situation.

After what seems like an awkward and tense atmosphere created around your room, your tense muscles loosened as your hagard breathing you unknowingly let out finally calmed down.

Your thoughts finally settled, your consciousness fading as you forgot that Crowley was there to watch and listen to the whole thing.

You don't know that of course. Crowley wants to tell you that he knows your secret, but seeing you so focused and happy as you created a masterpiece right in front of him, and then hearing your throat bubbled in irritation as you lost yourself once more in your nightmarish daydreaming...

He fears your reaction if he ever interrupts you.

(His dull brown irises stared at them blankly, fear creeping down his spine as he slowly reached for the gun that safely tucked at his hip. Not even moving an inch as he continued to prevent them advancing towards him with his oh so powerful wings that commands the wind to push them away.

He heard it, that soft muttering of his once happy tone, saying...

"This is so boring...")



Its time.

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