(Late) 2022 Christmas Special

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            OKAY first of all, if you've been from the original book, you would notice how BAD the original christmas special there. I hate that one sooo much... please end my suffering.

            I implied to recreate that shit, but never had the inspiration and motivation to do so. But since christmas is here (although late in publishing...) then why not?

            Oh and if some of you guys don't celebrate Christmas, then I suppose it's alright if I make Hawks/your character celebrate it? I'm christian so... forgive me.

            OH! and every special chapters has to be an AU aight? Since it doesn't really affect the main story that much, and most characters here haven't met Hawks/you yet so...

            Yeah! Hope you enjoy this short specials! A bit rushed but ehhh... I'm too lazy now.

Ps. Im confused rn is Keigo's name his first or last? Or is Takami his first name? Help me-




The flickering, colorful bulbs of christmas lights at the mall hurts your eyes, and damn you dreaded standing here in front of that damned place. So that's why...

            "No, I'm not going, Keigo...! Stop pulling my hair!"

Your little shit of a twin didn't payed attention and continued dragging your ass inside.

            "C'mon now, what's the fun staying in the house, watching crappy christmas movies and eating nasty snacks?"

            "Y-you... you maniac! You didn't just called [favorite food] nasty! Let me go right now this instance, you tasteless fool!"

Bystanders looked at the two of you weirdly, but went on with their life as you hissed like a feral cat, trying to get away as soon as possible.

But alas, here you are, grumbling in annoyance as the two of you entered the mall, Keigo smiling like an idiot as he looked around.

And by the gods, the damn lights still HURTS your bloody eyes...

            "C'mon! KFC is waiting!"

            "Ughhhhh... you and your kfc can go to hell..."

Now it was Keigo's turn to gasp so loudly.

            "You don't mean it!"

            "That's what you get for insulting MY favorite food! Let me go right now!"

            "No way! You gotta repay me for that insult by joining me!"

Your screams of despair was hushed by your twin's hands as he dragged you around, him not even caring the slightest bit when odd stares is being shot at him.

Sides... the two of you are twins so they understand, right?

Apparently they do... fuck these dumb bitches.

            "Tada! We are here!"

He let go of your mouth, as you gasped for air, and smelled the god forsaking smell of fried chickens being cooked...

            "... I hate you..."

            "Aw I know you loved me! Let's go! The lines is not that long! I know you're hungry!"


Christmas... is not that bad. Even if it means celebrating it with your dork of a twin...

But visiting the mall isn't not that bad. You get to finally think of what to gift for the two teenagers you unofficially adopted, and possibly have a good laugh with your brother when trying out the arcade.

And after that long mall trip and having to endure the god forsaken christmas lights, you are finally home, cooking for you and your brother.

Safe to say despite the only two of you in the house, it was noisy as hell.

            "GOD you sing horribly! Give me the mic!"

            "Shut your ass Keigo! You are no different!"

            "Kenshi. My dear brother... please give me the mic?"

            "... Mmmmm~ No."

The yelling was stopped when your phone ringed loudly, and you marched towards it with the mic still in hand, as you picked up your phone and answered the call.

            "Hitoshi-kun! Merry Christmas! Did you like my gift!?"

            "... it was alright... thanks..."

Safe to say you couldn't stop squealing like a school girl as the speakers almost blasted everyone's eardrums in the neighborhood if it wasn't for Keigo's saving grace.

Now that new year's is nearing... what now?

You and your brother doesn't want to simply celebrate it with only the two of you, but you don't want to disturb any of your friends' celebrations...

But Keigo had a plan, a terrible one at that. He wanta to join the Tododroki's, because he wants to annoy his best friend.

            "Kei... let's NOT be an annoyance pLEASE and let them be!"

            "Eh... hell nah I wanna be an annoyance. Let's go there once New Years is nearing!"

            "KEIGO NO-"





Monoma, feeling irritated from the expectant gaze of yours, looked away as you felt your heart sinking the time goes on.

            "Neito-kun~...?" *cue puppy dog eyes*

            "......... I... UGH STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!!!!"





            An ye, we don't have wifi sooooo-

            ... Late merry christmas?

            Also I didn't purposely named your character. Nope. Trust me :)

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