6 :: Curses Motherfu-

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             ➥ I HATE IT WHEN I'M USELESS


             "I believe there's no hope..."


Say what now?

You didn't meant to eavesdrop, but just by seeing a woman crying down shamelessly as she mourned the condition of her son was... heartbreaking.

Now what happened? Well... you heard her son has a fatal disease that no doctors around here can cure. And you know what it is?

Bone cancer.

Ah. You may not remember what is your past life but that doesn't mean you have no idea about health hazards and diseases. The only problem is that your memories is locked, and it only comes randomly.

It may be the best to leave them be. Besides... you don't know them. But deep inside you felt a heavy feeling in your chest.

Maybe that's just a part of yours that is too empathetic. A person to know what it felt like.

You felt a sudden jolt in your head. And before you know it, a voice resonated that you're unfamiliar with, yet at the same time felt like you know them.

             "Stage 4... just after 5 months of diagnosis..."

             "Hawky! Garp-san's calling for 'ya! He's at the local restaurant!"

Crowley's voice has snapped you out of your thoughts. With the red head walking towards your direction, you quickly masked your confusion with a smile.

Wait wait wait did I told you about Crowley and Jack-Jack's appearances...? Well...

Crowley Sol, his full name, is a 5'9 tanned young adult with his dark-ish red head and deep brown eyes. He wears the usual uniform for marine apprentices, and apparently he is very good with pole arms. Because he can't stop boasting about it from the conversation you two have earlier...

Next is Jacquie Lopez, who everyone calls Jack-Jack. A 5'7 pale young man with a lime colored hair and a matching forest green eye. What's more unique to his appearance is a bangs covering his left eye, and you got a quick view of that eye covered in eye patch that is covered by his side bangs.

Now that is a change... not a single character from one piece did you saw a character with an eye patch before. And this two seems to stand out the most from the background characters. So...

How come you don't remember them appearing in the anime or manga? This two is screaming protagonist from this bland crowd called Garp's crew.

Also Jack-Jack's hair reminds you of Zoro... that moss head of the series, if you remembered correctly...

             "Haaaawwwksss...? Helllloooooo!? Man I keep calling your name and you're not answering!"

Oh right, you REALLY should pay attention to what you're going to. Getting distracted by your thoughts is not the ideal thing to do especially now that you're a soon-to-be marine. And knowing Garp's he will torture you to death and over thinking is not gonna help!

             "... I'm starting to think you're really dead, Hawks... don't die on meeee!!!"

Crowley, who is besides you while clinging on your arm, whined and dramatically sobbed. You only smiled sheepishly, watching Crowley rambled on how you're not supposed to die while just walking and that he will come to the afterlife to kick you down back to earth.

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