11 :: Counting Ten

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             ➥ IT WAS GETTING GOOD


At first, you are cool and all.

But now? Good lord save you for you are cRINGING SO HARD-

This is why you're terrible at decision making. And this is why burying a hole and stay there for the rest of your days sounds good right now.

But nevermind that... the past is in the past.You should move on now. You have made the decision. You have made it, there's no turning back on your words now.

You sure about that statement?

Flinching, your feathers slightly ruffled as you stopped at sketching on your notebook instead of writing something down like you originally planned today.

The voice is back...? You furrowed your eyebrows.

             "Ooookay so... first of all, who the hell are you? Second, is this Great Sage!? Third, WHY NOW-"

Hush, you big baby. You attract unwanted attention.

             "B-big baby...!?"

Offended at the stupid voice' comment in your head, you tried to keep your angry shouts at whoever is speaking, but self control...

Self control...

Good good... keep that, you don't want to make too much mistakes.

             "... why does that sounds as if you're being sarcastic... mister voice...?"

It didn't sound female, so your guess of having a great sage or system at your side is quickly thrown away. And besides... it sounded... human anyways...

Hey! At least appreciate that I for you to not act solely on instincts! Now look where it lead you!?

             "E-excuse me... what are you implying at?"

Narrowing your eyes, you gripped the pencil in your hand. The force isn't enough to break it into two since you're basically a weak ass potato, but it is enough to know that whatever is speaking to you knows that it made a mistake at its wordings.

Hey now... it's not like I'm saying that acting on instinct is bad... but you gotta think about it first before you act.

Grumbling, you let the pencil down as you stared at the ceiling, leaning into the chair while being careful to not put pressure on your wings.

             "I know... I know... but are you saying that helping Monona and Shinso is a bad decision...?"

I hate to admit it, especially to you, but yes.

Tensing up, you silently hissed at whatever this guy is trying to point at. What does he meant? That the two boys is probably gonna drag your ass or something? Kiss the ground while bathing in your own blood?

             "What... is your damn point...?"

The voice didn't responded for a few seconds, probably hesitating, but what it said had made you felt the world had slow down.

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