12 :: Online Mode

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             TO FLY FREE


You have been thinking about every consequences of your actions, you always did. Being a replica of one of the renowned pro hero is one.

But due to you taking his place instead, the original ̶c̶h̶a̶r̶a̶c̶t̶e̶r person no longer existed, because of you.

The voice is right. Everything is your fault. Who knew you have some funky power that you've probably abused, thus leading to your amnesiac state and also dragging two teenagers who has a lot of ambitions to fulfill, into this mess?

Your actions lead into whatever is happening. Your powers erased your memories. Your powers created this mess. Your powers...

Where is your power?

Besides being the impostor Hawks, you supposed that your power is his fierce wings quirk. But whatever the voice is saying have more into that.

So where is it? How do you activate it...?

I advice... that don't. Unlock it... back.

             "... what is it this time...?"

You muttered, leaning into the wooden pole just outside the same bar Makino- is that her name is?- have.

Your neutral expression was hiding your clouded mind as your eyebrows twitched, frown wanting to be replaced in your lips as you closed your eyes.

... your powers is not my place to tell. And before you ask... the reason why I can't is a limitations put into your current state. Not to mention... you aren't suppose to remember everything.

Eyes narrowed, you took a look at the two teenagers who is still processing what Garp had did to the both of them.

You inhaled a deep sigh as you started fidgeting in your current position, hissing quietly at the voice.

             "Alright... you're telling me that my past, is more violent than what I imagined...!?"

You whispered, clearly angry as you turned your back on the two who is sitting two meters away from you.

Just what your idiot self did from the past!?

That's not what I'm trying to say! What I meant is that every possible limitations that the system can find is put into you!

You felt your heart drop for some reason, dread started to pile up into your stomach. What is happening? You thought.

             "... system...?"

Wha- oh. Oh... nonononono...! HAWKS- I... damn it no! I'm so sorry! I-

             "What... are you on about...?"

You whispered... fear creeping up into your sign as the air somehow turned a lot colder than before.

             "... voice...?"


Then, you felt an immense pain as you stumbled, feeling your heart being squeezed, muscles aching, and choking due to the lack of air that you could intake at the moment.

As The Winged Hero [REBOOT]Where stories live. Discover now