New Year 2024 Special

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             ➥ WE GOT EACH OTHER'S BACK


In the middle of the cold night, the 12 year old blond clattered his teeth, wearing thick winter coat to protect himself from the wind but clearly, it doesn't do much.

             "Kenshi... c-come on... I'm... g-getting so cold now..."

He stuttered, shivering when another cold breeze nipped onto the thick clothes he wore.

A misty fog escaped Keigo's mouth, flushed cheeks and almost chapped lips pressing thinly together.


Struggling to walk around the knee high snow, the blond almost lost hope if it weren't for a flash of the same blond hair he have and the eye catching colored parka from the corner of his eyes.

Snapping his head towards his direction, his heart skipped a beat when he saw his brother standing still, not moving an inch as the young boy immediately went to your side.

Only to trip and fall to the cold snow.


Whipping your head around, your eyes softened at the sight of your twin who is struggling to stand up straight.

How cute.

             "Kei... s-sorry... let's go home now... m-mom and dad will c-come back soon..."

You sighed, walking towards your twin who is shivering like a newborn lamb.

             "Are you... s-sure? M-maybe... they left... us... i-its been 3 days Kenshi...!"


Keigo is not stupid. But so are you.

Then again, you two is still kids. Pre teens to be exact. But why would you two immediately come up with a stupid conclusion? You two are smart after all, so keep holding onto the hope of what seems to be a false one.

You helped him stand up, walking away with a forced smile.

             "... until the clock strikes 12... they didn't abandoned us, Keigo..."


             "I hate fireworks."

Now 17, you and Keigo rests within the comfort of his room.

             "You always say that whenever festivals or new years happen."

You said with boredom, finishing the bucket of ice cream.

Groaning dramatically, Keigo throws his arms around your neck, pouting.

             "It's just so loud and has nasty smell... and call me stupid but sometimes I think those are gunshots haha."

You didn't pushed him away, letting him cling to you as you let out an exhausted sigh.

             "I can't blame you. I dislike fireworks too."

             "Really? Or is it because you're scared?"

With a cheeky grin, he pinched your cheeks lightly, causing an immediate scowl replacing your neutral face.

             "Stop it."


He giggled, then burying his face to the crook of your neck.

             "You're so annoying... GAH FU-"

The little shit started to tickle and made your mood worsen.

... and the fact that he stole your chicken sandwhich.

He quickly stood up, running out of his room as fast as he could.

             "COME BACK HERE YOU B-"


             "Keiiiigooooo.... get uuuuup...!"

You groaned, trying to pull your bitch of a brother out of his bed.

But the 20 year old man kept snoring.


You stomped your way out of his room, closing it loudly while you heard a muffled screeching, yelp, and the classic I'M UP over and over again.

             "Seriously... I know you stayed up way more late than I did but you need to eat first."

He merely groaned while walking down the stairs. While you are on the table full of the leftover food from yesterday and a newly cooked fried rice.

             "My eyes hurts..."

You didn't payed him no mind, scrolling through your contacts and stopping at the sight of the familiar contact name.

             "You deserved it for throwing a can of beer to my face yesterday."

Pouting, he took a seat across you.

             "You really ain't over that?"

You simply gave him a pointed look which he shrugged at.


It was silent between the two of you next, minus the clattering of utensils as Keigo ate.

             "... I really wanna crash the Todoroki's..."

             "Keigo shut the fuck up."

             "But Kenshiiiii..."

You ignored his whining, opting to watch random YouTube video to silence his pathetic reasonings.




             I'M DEAD AUGHHH

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