New Year 2023 Specials

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             Happy new years people! Hope we get our shits together in this new year, and also hope that it won't fuck up like 2020 did lololololololol




             "My new years resolutions... is that I will save more money to feed your shit-"


             "-and be nicer to you."

Keith took one sip of his beer can as he burped loudly, and sighed in exasperation.

             "I hate you too Kenshi."

You gasped, giving your evil twin a betrayed look as you angrily went for his neck.


Dramatically flailing his arms around, Keigo let out a few choked noises before he pushed you out of the bench you two are sitting on.

             "Well I'm taking that back!"

In all honesty, you had slapped the fuck out of your twin to not bother the Todoroki household since the head of their house intimidate the fuck out of you.

And here you are both, in a park with a canned cold beer in hands.

You should've stayed home to cook some nice meals instead...

But the past is in the past anyways. And currently the two of you are waiting for the fireworks now.

             "... when do you think ma and pa comes back?"

You went back to your seat as you took a sip of your beer, still not used to the taste of it.

             "You're still hoping for them to come back for us?"

Keigo gave you a side eye, as you leaned in your seat, staring at the black abyss full of twinkling stars.

             "I dunno to be honest. I still wanted to experience that whole celebration as a family. But then again... I think that's just a wistful wish, isn't it?"

Keigo didn't said anything, as the two of you sat in a silence for a while until an outsider decided to join your little celebration with cans of beer and convenient store goods.

             "Huh... I thought I was just hallucinating. But it's really my side bitch and his brother."

             "Excuse me wha-"

             "So you're Kenshi!"

             "Bitch we literally know each other since we're still a brats?"

             "You two are identical."

             "Ah! Dabi-bro! Whatcha doing out here?"

You watched Dabi took a seat between the two of you, like a homewrecker- or benchwrecker he is...

Is he purposely sitting in between the two of you to steal foods on both twins!?

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