13(fr) :: Contradicting Claims

561 37 23

             ➥ IT WAS GETTING BETTER.


Staring at your surroundings, you took note over the wooden floor and cheap wooden roof.

Yep, this is definitely Dadan's place, especially when all you can see in the window is trees, trees, and trees.

             "... weird. What happened?"

You scratched your head, as you decided to stretch your stiff muscles, especially your wings.

             "... surely it's nothing bad."

You chuckled nervously, and slowly stood up fron the futon you're using.

The place is awfully quiet for a place full of bandits. And isn't Luffy loud enough?

Wait... Luffy?

             "... shit..."

You reacted too late as a tiny creature suddenly jumped at your torso and proceeded to wrap their arms around.

             "SO COOL! SO COOOLLLL!!!!"

The tiny creature screamed, making your head hurt as you gaped at the tiny child clinging to you like a koala.

You tried to pry the excited child off, but this is Luffy we're talking about. He's bound to be a stubborn little gremlin.

             "H-hey! Knock it off...!"

You yelled, thinking that maybe... you made a wrong decision.

             'Dont get me wrong! Seeing Luffy is great but... this is too much!'

Too much for your fragile heart, seeing Luffy in real life, and to top it off... hugging you!

Okay calm down you can do this-



He'scallingyouanikiomgthisisnotadream omgomgomgomgomgomg-



You squeaked, so so softly as you started to lost your balance, a reddened cheek prominent on your face.

Luffy got confused, big, innocent obsidian eyes staring at you down.

             "... c-can... you..."

You stuttered, heart getting squeezed too much that you finally give in to your knees.

             "........ let.... g-go...?"

             'DONT LET GO AT ALL- BUT THIS IS TOO MUCH-!?!?!?'


He smiled, his arms still around you.

As The Winged Hero [REBOOT]Where stories live. Discover now