9 :: Canvas of Inspiration

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A/n: Sup its me ya boi from a long ass unexplained hiatus lmao

             ➥ A BRUSH READY TO DIP


Deep within the forest is a boy, too young to understand the dangers of nature despite it's soft and calming sound of leaves rustling as the birds singing it's songs to those who can hear it's sweet tune.

He doesn't care about that, no no...

"I just need to find it... then..."

He muttered softly, listening to the sounds of soft rustling of the leaves and the crunches of dried leaves and snaps of twigs beneath his tiny foot.


His face brighten up, then he felt his eyebrows furrow when he noticed an unusual sight. He slowly stalked towards the direction he was facing at.

"Are... are you okay?"


Now... you're not saying that you're a heartless jerk. But quiet frankly, you don't care about Monoma and Shinso's situation. I mean...

You ARE slightly worried, but not THAT worried to the point you go around in your room, pacing and possibly panicking and worrying... you get what I mean.

You never know the two personally. And you can question them any time. And they're on a safe hands anyways... it's not like this crew would stoop so low and beat up some already defenceless teenagers.

After yesterday events, yes a small fucking time skip, the two was separated from each other and was being questioned. They can make a full arrest now, but apparently Garp has some sort of soft spots for kids... which, these two being only interrogated for now.

You wonder why Garp of all those he considered children's, he was slightly caring to those he doesn't know personally. Props to his nonchalant behavior by letting his grandson do whatever he wants.

Grandpa of the year, you give him that for giving his grandson the freedom that gremlin wants.

Unlike a certain eyebrow-less man...


Far away from where our dear dumb but also not dumb protagonist, a man oh so intimidating whit his imposing figure and his intimidating sharp eyes, suddenly felt his nose begins to itch.


You have nothing much to do, besides laying down and think, think, and think.

It has been... 9- I mean few days after waking up in this strange world, have a mental breakdown and panick attack, got found by the marines and getting adopted by the character named Garp, find out there is another BNHA characters in this place other than you, have a fashion debate with a tailor, and find another boy who is also known as the egotistical jealous kazoo kid character from the bnha-verse.

You honestly should stop calling them characters. They're a real human now, a real, living, human who has their own set of emotions coursing through their veins instead of some measly characters from a show, for the audience to see their suffering, watching silently.

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