16 :: All I Want Is YOU TO SHUT UP-

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             ➥ I SWEAR I AM GOING
             STUPID VOICE


             "I... have a brother...?"

That's the first thing that came up from Luffy's little head after scouting throughout the entire forest, his eyes focused to nowhere after yelling many times to try and see how his voice could travel around.

You see... Luffy was too focused to chase after Ace that he entirely forgotten about his grandfather telling him he have a new brother, or, well, brothers... given how he barely saw them for the rest of the day...

             "... I HAVE A BROTHER!?"

He gasped dramatically loud, before bolting back to the hut with enthusiastic running along the way.

It was incredibly exiting for him, to have older brothers... as long as they're not like his, or their brute of a grandpa.

Tripping on his way, he finally arrived back miraculously instead of losing his way. He tried to scout the area first before quietly tip toe-ing his way around to avoid chores. He tried different rooms that he immediately shut close, and one room is completely empty.

             "Where is my brothers...?"

He quietly murmured, eyebrows furrowing in sadness and confusion. His eyes perked up when he heard a heavy footstep followed by a woman's voice full of seriousness and stern to her tone.

Knowing he get in trouble right away, he bolted out before Dadan could get him, although... he's no sneaky given he scurried like a little rat scratching it's nails in the wooden floor... creating obvious sounds he had been here.

             "You brat!"

             "EEEP! SAVE ME!"

Meanwhile, you stopped in your tracks, your wings tensing up as you suddenly felt odd.


Oh man. Seems like something is wrong.

You ignored the voice's comment, not giving a shit since you're still mad at the damn bitchass that did nothing to actually properly help you... and given how he actually knows what the shit is happening, but won't say a shIT-

Did something happened to the two? Given how tired they are washing gross plates and equally gross utensils and wooden mugs that reeks beer... they must've been put into another hard labour by that scary woman just because they're older, and likes to torture free loaders.

Hey, are you liste-

             "No, shut up."

You readied your wings, about to take off when you heard a rustle just near where you are. Quickly snapping your eyes towards the source of sound like a true raptor, your wings rattled a bit, spreading it a little before you decided to just disregard it, more focused on the senses you suddenly earned after gaslighting yourself you could protect the boys when you're probably weaker than the two hero in training...

You took a few sprints first, your wings ready to take off as you flapped them harshly, generating a harsh wind that blew off dead leaves off the ground you once stepped on.

             "I'm so cool... I just knew it...!"

Um... yeah, you are-

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