4 :: I Call You Crazy Number 4

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             ➥ IT'S NOT WRONG TO HAVE
             ACTING STUPID


You felt like puking. Just how many food have you eaten? I mean... forcing yourself to eat the food presented to you?

And don't feign ignorance on the looks of the older man next to you. He clearly looking at you with that big ass grin of his while eyeing your goddamn food.

Fuck it you give up.

             "Finish it for me..."

You mumbled, tired with chewing as you lightly pushed the trolley cart. Seriously how does anime characters do it? And mukbangers in general? Metabolism? Black hole of a stomach?

Eh... either way you won't ask for one. As much as the sound of "food is life" is true, you can't possibly become a black hole unlike this freaks. Unless you have metabolism in the past where is it!?

The old man only snickered at you, moving the cart to his side as he ate the rest.



             "... grandpa."

Your new old man hummed while chewing on the chicken while slurping the ramen loudly, and you did your best to ignore how some of the broth landed on your sheet, and face...

             "Why did you even... 'adopted' me in the first place?"

He didn't answered first, still slurping and drinking the broth before he wiped his mouth with the back of his wrist, patting it down on his white pants.

And once again you ignored the ugly feeling on your chest as you tried to hide your disgust. The monkey family is... messy... you wonder if Dragon is also one.


In a far, far, far part of the sea, a head of spiky raven locks did his best to hide the upcoming sneeze. But alas, his actions were futile for it still persisted and let out a loud sneeze, almost scaring the nearby people around the mass of their ship.


             "Good question. I have no idea."

You're about to blow up and yell at your new old man, but Garp spoke up before you could let out your frustration as he put down the ramen that you have failed to even take a slurp of.

             "But like I said, your potential is a waste if I don't take you in. Besides, I think you can look out for my grandson, your new brother, for a while."

Now that sounds tempting. Imagine getting called "aniki" by the one nd only Luffy!? That's like... a dream come true!

Noticing your excitement, he grinned once again, putting the remains of the chicken back to the plate and lightly push it, showing how he can finish a whole ass meal for 4 person in a minute.

             "Hah! Excited to meet your new brother!? That's the spirit, my boy! Now first we need to..."

You blanked out. You already know what he is going to say. And that dreadful sentence is about to spill on his mouth...

             "... let's see how you can hold yourself in the air!"

You're doomed.

What if you fucking embarrass yourself!? What if you fall to the sea!? Not to mention your wings is a quirk and not a devil fruit, and that is absolutely one of your biggest problems!

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