8 :: A New Challenger Has Joined the Battle!!!

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             ➥ I CAN SMASH YOUR FACE
             ANY REMORSE AT ANY


Shinso, for the sake of his sanity, wants to sleep.

Not only he have some sort of... weird reunion with a fellow UA student who is both salty about the growing attention of the 1-A students. But the fact that the two can agree that... they both wake up in a place, or world, unfamiliar to them is already confusing enough.

Confusing to the point he felt most of his brain cells evaporates just by simply thinking about it.

All he remembers is declaring war, not really doing something impressive except that time where he managed to get inside the top 4 in calvary battle, get his ass sweeped down by some bush haired lucky bastard, go home, sleep, then wake up on the middle of nowhere.

Ah... also getting into the marines bad side. And then meeting with an angry looking fellow and this weird ass hell of an old, cranky, and probably dying man.

Now that sounds like he was some heartless bitch, but just seeing how this... "Robert" person keeps groaning in pain as well as muttering about some illness or some shit is already concerning enough that he came with the idea that this man, in fact, is going to die.

Shinso huffed, seeing as how he was still bummed and injured from the last "last" encounter. It doesn't help the fact that he once again encountered the same crew he and that blond narcissist angered. But it seems that he got lucky, because YOU were there.

He wasn't dumb, and he knows how to read people. You, like an eye catching exotic man you are with that red wings, is like an open book.

That sense of familiarity on your face just by making an eye contact with him, then comes with dread, and confusion right before he took control of you... he doesn't know why but it irked him. As if you know him while he doesn't.

But then again, those marines felt betrayed when you started kicking their asses. So it was likely you are one of them and probably heard of what "atrocities" he did.

He scoffed, leaning against the bark of a tree.

But something tells him that it's not only the main reason. He trusted his gut.


Ah. There he is. Honestly he sometimes question himself how can he go along well with this 1-B blond that is known to everyone how he likes to talk shit about 1-A and how his class is superior than those "rising stars" or whatever.

His name?


             "Where did you go? I was looking for you."

Now if Shinso is some brainless idiot, he probably says "nowhere" or something with the lines of avoiding the subject. But he knows that Monoma Neito is smart. Not to mention the obvious sign of discomfort, him being deep in thought... and of course, his disheveled looks.

And besides, he doesn't think he could lie with how tired he was. He supposed that going to the town is a good idea until this whole thing about marines quickly surrounding the entire town.

             "To the town."

He didn't explained it all, but it seems Monoma quickly caught up to what happened next just by seeing how annoyed yet anxious he look.

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