17 :: Need Snicker's

181 13 8

             ➥ YOU'RE NEVER YOU
             WHEN YOU'RE HUNGRY
             AFTER ALL


After a hectic day with Luffy screaming whilst in air after finding out you're his new brother aside from Monoma and Shinso, you immediately got reprimanded and told to clean every nook and cranny of this bandit house tomorrow morning since you prevented Dadan from punishing your dumb cutie brother.

That, and recklessly doing sky diving at least two times.

Rest in peace for your back. This harsh labour will be the end for you.

The wind is whipping a little bit harshly this night. And it made you annoyed the fact that the cold air is seeping through the cracks and window.

You would've loved the feeling if it weren't for the fact that the blankets is as thin as your self confidence right now. And the mattress felt like you're about to sleep on a cardboard.

Muttering your prayers in hope to survive the hectic day you be facing, Monoma and Shinso entered the room you three is using.

             "... what are you doing?"

Monoma asked, staring at you weirdly as you plucked a feather.

             "Ah- no nothing! Ha... haha..."

You sweatdropped, side eyeing Shinso who immediately went for his futon and stared at the ceiling.

Monoma did as well, not before picking the book he was given by one of Dadan's goons and start reading.

You already knew every time you interact with them, it's awkward as hell. You don't know what to say next if you started a conversation and they simply look at you.

             "What's up with you Hawks-san? You keep acting strange."

Sweatdropping, you looked to the side with an interesting expression. Of course the two noticed it, but they simply kept quiet as you preened your wings by your fingers.

             "I'm... just- um... stressed. I mean, Dadan-san keep making us clean... and y'know Luffy, right?"

Monoma looked at you straight in the eye at the corner of his own, periwinkle irises meeting your sparkling amber eyes the moment you mentioned the little brat.

             "He keep getting into troubles and since I'm officially his adopted brother, I have to keep him away from those stuff."

Then, you sulked.

             "Yet clearly I'm doing a bad job..."

You sobbed, earning a silent scoff from the younger blond.

If you have something that you expertise on, that is being a drama king with a mix of self loathing. Due to that two things alone, the mysteriousness that shrouds your identity is being overshadowed, hiding behind the weakling persona that distracts anyone from reading too much about you.

             "Don't say that. We already knew, memorized even so don't bother reminding us."

You gasped, clutching your poor chest where your heart is located at Monoma's harsh words. Your elder brother instincts wants to screw with him but your dramatic ass is more keen on pathetically acting out.

             "You're so mean Monoma-kun..."

Shinso sweatdropped at the sight of the two blonds bickering.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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